our first picture ever together!

our most recent picture together!
Bring on 2009! im not sure how much better it can possibly be than 2008?? 2008 has been the best year of my life so far.. lets do a quick recap!
Jan 1st 2008- Mine and Jason's first kiss.
Jan 2nd 2008- Moved to Utah (followed jason out there) ;)
May 16th 2008- got engaged to my jason @ DISNEYLAND!
August 15th 2008- got married to my Jason for time and eternity!
August 30th, 2008- Jason turned 22!
September 19th, 2008- I turned 20!
Nov & Dec we spent out first married (and non-married!) Thanksgiving and Christmas together :)
Dec 31st, 2008- our 2nd New YEARS EVE spent together!
What an amazing year it has been! I have been so blessed in my life with a wonderful Husband! I could not ask for anything more, as long as I have him, my life is complete! (can't wait for kids though!)
As far as 2009 goes.... I think i should make some new years resolutions... and #1 on EVERYone's list: LOSE WEIGHT! yay.. #2 be a better wife #3 finish reading the BOM #4 be patient #5 have charity #6 be a better me!