8/15/09=1 year of marriage :) it was such a fun easy going happy day.
It started when I woke up late so I brought Jason breakfast(cereal) in
bed I had to go take a midterm so he dropped me off. I took my test
and he brings me home and I find roses a sweet card and our wedding
cake on the counter so we decide to try some and the cake part not so
great the frosting.. DELiCioUS!! No joke I saved it all week so I
could pick the frosting off! We then went to the fair where we watched
zachy auction off his pigs and went around the fair all day. My
parents and us and zach all had a romantic dinner at taqueria- we went
home took a nap and then went back to the fair for some funnel cake
and a little fair shopping it was so much fun to have a simple day
spending all day together for next to no money I'd say it's one to
remeber- I love you husband can't wait for a million more to come!!!