This weekend i had spring break at the hair school so i decided to take full advantage and SURPRISE Britt and the girls in arizona! The weather was b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l, so perfect. I can't wait for Utah summer so i can wear shorts and flip flops everyday! I got in Thursday night and the look on britt's face was priceless. she looked so confused and kept saying, "wait, wait, what? what? whats going on?" and then we chatted and then went to bed. Friday, i woke up quite early, since Miss RyRy didn't know i was there and was confused at who this strange person was sleeping on the couch, she tapped me and was so excited to see Auntie Devyn at 5:45 Am! I went to work with britt for half day and was able to go to this place right by her work:

Delicious, adorable, amazing! i hope i can go back here next time im in Phoenix! After work we came home, hung out with the girls,

then went to CPK for dinner, THANKS ROB! and we attempted to go to the Mesa Easter temple pageant, but after not finding ANY seats and pure CHAOS, we went home and rented a movie. Saturday we got up nice and early to go hiking!

we hiked and then had a breakfast from church, i then did some hair and britt and i did a bit of shopping. and now i get to go home to see my sweet husband. I am so glad i got to see my sissy and nieces and spend time with them! Thanks rich for helping me with the surprise and thanks Britt for spending so much time with me :)