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Girl or Boy?

tomorrow, The plan is, to battle the 115 degree weather and play with my sister and nieces all weekend in Arizona!! oh and rich! and going on saturday to sneak a peak at the babe! GIRL or BOY? the poll is on the side... you know that poll that everyone HAS to have ;)


California Trip

Last week we were able to drive home- got home a bit earlier than planned so we just got to hang out and play with all the nieces and nephews and family! it was so fun- the next three days, thur, fri, sat were BUSY client days. i feel like not a lot has changed with my body except after those long days i was really feeling it! It's weird how that works- i would do a couple 12 hour days (before i was preg) and it wouldn't even phase me, well, i am still recovering i think- im not sure if it's from standing all day or leaning over clients faces (eyelashes) or from the long drive home. I will be slowing down for my next visits- maybe ill cap at 8 hour days. Overall it was SO much fun being home!!! and now we are coming up on a big 3 day weekend!!!! ANyone have fun plans?? we are hoping to head to AZ- and fight the heat- and maybe sneak a peak at the babe (girl or boy??)


fourteen weeks

How far along? 14 weeks
Weight gain/loss: Gain. 8 LBS
Maternity clothes? They are so comfy!!
Stretch marks? No
Sleep? as much as i can
Best moment this week? Having my Dad do an extra Ultrasound so we could see our little Merriweather
Movement: I definitely saw a lot of hands moving in the ultrasound but cant feel a thing yet!
Food cravings: Tuna and pizza lunchables
Gender: Hearing the heart rate at 156 this morning- i'm leaning towards a girl now
Labor signs? NO!
Belly button in or out? In.
What I miss? my old figure- yes already!
What I am looking forward to? finding out what it is!!
Weekly wisdom: sleep enough and be nicer to people
Milestones: into my Second trimester! and my zitty face is beginning to clear up :)


hiking the Y

I've always been a wussy when it comes to hiking, but now that I have more of an excuse I am an even bigger wuss. Jason and I attempted to hike the Y this morning but at the 3rd switch back (yes only the 3rd) i had to turn around. My legs were already hurting and I'm sure my heart rate was well above the recommended 140 and i was Panting. haha. so today we only made it to the 3rd switch back but we have a goal this week- tomorrow we make it to the 6th, wednesday we make it to the 9th and by thursday we do the whole thing. hm we will see how it goes. (yes i have made it to the top plenty of times- usually the first try- but i just get more nervous lately that i will push myself to hard)



Congratulations to my amazing smart husband and doing so well on the DAT (dental admission test). It is out of 30 and searching through the internet i found a site with the average GPA and DAT score for admission for each school. The average overall GPA accepted to dental school is 3.5 and the average DAT score is 19.3. I get to brag a little- Jason's GPA is 3.7 and his DAT score was 22. He is SO smart. I wish I had even a smidge of the studying discipline that Jason has! He was so dedicated for the past 6 months and then when school was out he woke up at 7 every morning, went to the gym and then studied for HOURS all day long. for a good 6 weeks straight. I am so proud of him and now he had begun his application. I can't wait to see where we get in and begin a new life in the Fall of 2012! It is nice to have my husband back and he has been so great at house work and cooking and spending more time with me. Look he even bought and planted flowers for me yesterday while i was at clinicals at the hospital (i got to watch a c-section, it was amazing)!!


E.L.E.V.E.N. W.E.E.K.S

How far along? 11 weeks
Weight gain/loss: Gain. 4 LBS.
Maternity clothes? no but my jeans are sure getting snug
Stretch marks? No
Sleep? very very often and very much sleep :)
Best moment this week? announcing to the world the facebook world that is-haha
Movement: Not yet.
Food cravings: smoothies- strawberry and banana to be exact and cream cheese. (on anything haha)
Gender: I think its a boy- Jason thinks its a girl
Labor signs? NO!
Belly button in or out? In.
What I miss? my mom... haha oh about being preg? the fact that i won't be able to go to disneyland for a while...
What I am looking forward to? finding out what it is!!
Weekly wisdom: sleep, and keep my mouth shut
Milestones: officially a fetus with all organs developed size of a LIME


the real reason

The real reason i had to quit my job at the hospital:
1. SMELLS (yuck)
2. waking up before anyone ever should and not feeling well at that
3. working 12 hours is tiring
4. 2 Jobs + nursing school + clinicals + growing a little munchkin = deathly EXHAUSTION
I was having breakdowns nightly after work from pure exhaustion, it was so brutal i debated calling in sick every single day, and i would cry countless times at work especially when it involved a lot of gross stuff... so...
I am enjoying my weekends off to spend with my husband and being able to go to church. I am loving more sleep! The more the better! Who ever thought growing a baby would take all every ounce of my energy sleeping 10+ hours at night + naps in the day. I am not very good at slowing my life down, but i've definitely needed it. I do hope that my energy level picks up though...and now i know i was not meant to work as a CNA (at least for now..)