4H camp baby shower

Thanks to my AMAZING 4H friends who threw a surprise BABY/BRIDAL shower for me (the baby portion) and Krista (the bridal portion) It was an absolute SURPRISE and it made me feel like the luckiest girl in the world. Sometimes, while being so hormonal,I haven't felt pretty or lucky, or have forgotten my own self-worth. Well, it's times like a 4h camp baby shower than I have been quickly been put back into my place remembering that this is a time of excitement and that people do care for and love me and that it is okay to have zits, extra weight, be lazy and tired and grumpy for once because i am growing a precious baby girl. I just got the CUTEST gifts! including some homemade knit booties!!! I can't believe how fun it is already to get such girly things :)
It is also great experience to see how much people care about you when you are pregnant. Thanks to my mom, my sissy's and some great friends for love, support, and all my maternity clothes! I feel so blessed to have amazing people in my life who are there for me. Most recently i was able to catch up with these two who so lovingly passed some maternity clothes along- as well as gave great cloth diapering/baby
wearing advice. It just keeps getting more exciting, and more expensive ;)
(thanks J for the pic) XOXO
4h Camp 2011. 14 years.
This year at 4H camp was very bittersweet. It was my 14th year and will be my last for a good 8 or 9 years.. i will miss it very much- but I LOVE my little girl and of course she is well worth it :). i always enjoy a week with no computer, cell service (okay maybe some) and not having to worry about work. I get to spend it with my very best friend heather and some incredible people!! we laugh and talk all night and wake up early or in the middle of the night because of snoring or other odd noises... we dance and we eat and don't forget the Pranks! we can be crazy and wear the weirdest outfits and never wear makeup or do our hair but thats the way it's most fun. It was baby's first time camping and dancing and boy did she love the dance!!

Yes these are some hott outfits i know!!! I got to bunk with these amazing ladies: Gabi, Kendall and Heather! We had so much fun together and will remember these times FORever!!! Thanks for making camp so memorable and eating so much with the preggo lady!
Yes these are some hott outfits i know!!! I got to bunk with these amazing ladies: Gabi, Kendall and Heather! We had so much fun together and will remember these times FORever!!! Thanks for making camp so memorable and eating so much with the preggo lady!
Posts to Come:
Posts that need to be done:
4H camp
4H camp baby shower
Cory's birthday bash
Lucky for me the semester is almost over. 19 weeks on thursday. half way next week, Yikes! so much to do!!
4H camp
4H camp baby shower
Cory's birthday bash
Lucky for me the semester is almost over. 19 weeks on thursday. half way next week, Yikes! so much to do!!
Like Father like Daughter.
so much to think about...
Now the realization of a girl has settled in we have been talking a lot about names! but seriously, how in the world do you come up with a name good enough to fit your precious child? Haha. We have a few in mind but it's so hard to decide on something that will be with them their entire life!!! Also, color schemes?? how do you pick that? oh, and birth plans... how do you chose who you want to be in the room?? How many people is too many?? how do you chose medicated or un-medicated?(i would love to try hypnobirthing since my sissy loved it so much, but being in the middle of nursing school-how do you prep for that?!) Could i even tolerate the pain? (ha,i'm a big wuss so i doubt it!) how do you chose what you want on your registry? seriously, this is like harder than my wedding was, Katie- can you be my baby planner too??? since you were the best wedding planner! :) no but seriously if anyone has ANY advice- please do share.
Hi little girl!
It's a GIRL!

Yes it sure is!!! I was fooled, Jason was fooled, and so were the voters on the side bar! We are in az and we found a place to go get a gender ultrasound- so it was brittani Jason rich ryann cara and me of course, we went in and within two minutes she said there is no mistaken you are having a girl!!!!!! Our little girl was very very cooperative and we could see right away from every angle she was really a she! Ryann thought it was so fascinating that she could see auntie devyns baby in here belly on the big screen it was so cute! Of course there were tears- when is there not when you are preg? Ha! After we left brittani said before the lady told us it was a girl she could already tell it was too! Jason and I couldnt be more excited and yes I did purchase one thing.... A onesie that says "daddy's little princess" cant wait to meet her!!
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