Sometimes I feel like I have been pregnant forever but most of the time I can't already believe that I am hitting my Third trimester! I can't believe how quickly it goes! I am enjoying trying to find new cute and fun pregnancy styles and i LOVE watching my belly being pulled and kicked in every direction. I have been much more emotional lately- and have been SO incredibly ITCHY. I have been doing very well on watching my sugars and eating more fruits and veggies. As many times as i have said it is hard giving up my body for my sweet baby girl, it has already been completely worth it. I love her so much and look forward to my DR. visits and getting extra sneak peaks of my squirmy!! thanks DAD! oh and i got this note from my DR today: "Devyn, Your blood count showed that you are a bit anemic. In addition to your prenatal vitamins, you should take an extra iron tablet each day. With love from your father. Michael Vincent Wagner, M.D." So yes i do have to start taking my iron tabs (which i hear don't make you feel very good...) and thanks dad for taking such great care of your granddaughter and daughter!
weeks 27 & 28
Sometimes I feel like I have been pregnant forever but most of the time I can't already believe that I am hitting my Third trimester! I can't believe how quickly it goes! I am enjoying trying to find new cute and fun pregnancy styles and i LOVE watching my belly being pulled and kicked in every direction. I have been much more emotional lately- and have been SO incredibly ITCHY. I have been doing very well on watching my sugars and eating more fruits and veggies. As many times as i have said it is hard giving up my body for my sweet baby girl, it has already been completely worth it. I love her so much and look forward to my DR. visits and getting extra sneak peaks of my squirmy!! thanks DAD! oh and i got this note from my DR today: "Devyn, Your blood count showed that you are a bit anemic. In addition to your prenatal vitamins, you should take an extra iron tablet each day. With love from your father. Michael Vincent Wagner, M.D." So yes i do have to start taking my iron tabs (which i hear don't make you feel very good...) and thanks dad for taking such great care of your granddaughter and daughter!
Because I want to BLOG
Because I want to BLOG and there hasn't been much more than studying and sleeping and eating going on here lately :)
Age: 23 September 19th!
Bed size: Queen
Chore that you hate: putting clothes away. i like starting the laundry, but dread hanging clothes up.
Dogs: i Love dogs.. but will not be getting one any time soon...
Essential start to your day: hurrying to the bathroom.... haha no i LOVE oatmeal.
Favorite color: turquoise
Gold or Silver: gold
Height: 5'7"
Instruments you play: umm i took piano for many many years but not sure that i could play much now..
Job title: well, cosmetologist, cosmetologist instructor, eyelash extension trainer, and LPN (on my way to RN)
Kids: my ever growing 28 week old baby girl fetus
Live: Provo, UT- been here almost 4 years and excited to try somewhere new next fall!
Mother’s name: Cathleen! and MIL Patti
Nicknames: i don't think i have any?
Overnight hospital stays: when i was 2 and a penny got stuck in my throat... long story.
Pet peeves: when i am using water and someone sticks their hands in it.
Quote from a movie:??
Right or left handed: Right.
Siblings: Ashley, cory, brittani, erin and Zachy and then jamie, jenn, rhyan, jared, ron, rich and katie.
Underwear: yes i wear underwear
Vegetable you hate: i really like veggies...
What makes you run late: snoozing for over an hour ;)
X-Rays you’ve had: thumb, arm, arm, chest
Yummy food that you make: desserts YUM!
Zoo animal: monkey
Age: 23 September 19th!
Bed size: Queen
Chore that you hate: putting clothes away. i like starting the laundry, but dread hanging clothes up.
Dogs: i Love dogs.. but will not be getting one any time soon...
Essential start to your day: hurrying to the bathroom.... haha no i LOVE oatmeal.
Favorite color: turquoise
Gold or Silver: gold
Height: 5'7"
Instruments you play: umm i took piano for many many years but not sure that i could play much now..
Job title: well, cosmetologist, cosmetologist instructor, eyelash extension trainer, and LPN (on my way to RN)
Kids: my ever growing 28 week old baby girl fetus
Live: Provo, UT- been here almost 4 years and excited to try somewhere new next fall!
Mother’s name: Cathleen! and MIL Patti
Nicknames: i don't think i have any?
Overnight hospital stays: when i was 2 and a penny got stuck in my throat... long story.
Pet peeves: when i am using water and someone sticks their hands in it.
Quote from a movie:??
Right or left handed: Right.
Siblings: Ashley, cory, brittani, erin and Zachy and then jamie, jenn, rhyan, jared, ron, rich and katie.
Underwear: yes i wear underwear
Vegetable you hate: i really like veggies...
What makes you run late: snoozing for over an hour ;)
X-Rays you’ve had: thumb, arm, arm, chest
Yummy food that you make: desserts YUM!
Zoo animal: monkey
Happy Birthday to ERIN
Happy Birthday yesterday to ERIN! We hope you had the best birthday ever and were able to do something SUPER fun!!! Thanks for being such a great big sis and always wondering how baby and i are doing!!! erin is such a great auntie too- sometimes when she calls she asks me to put the phone up to my belly so she can talk to baby! Baby girl already loves her auntie :)

most recent pic of us :)
most recent pic of us :)
California trip
I am back from a very tiring trip, but i got to spend so much time with my mom and dad. Since my dad was off work and my mom was recovering they were both home all the time and we got to hang out! My mom is recovering fantastic- she is AMAZING. she was walking up and down the stairs and even went on a walk outside today. She is SUPERwoman! and my Dad is so sweet- he stays home and makes lunch and dinner and helps my mom so much. He was also a HUGE help to me this weekend. He helped me get all my supplies set up and to and from my eyelash extension training. I could NOT have done it without him. I also got to see my baby girl!!! and i passed my glucose test! It was not nearly as bad as i was expecting- especially since they forgot to stock the fridge with the yummy drinks, so i got a room temperature, fake sprite. haha. chugged it in a few minutes and then it was over! I also had the opportunity to speak at church. My topic was Charity and it was just what i needed to talk on. I got the chance to study and learn about how i can be more charitable (not even necessarily donating time or money, but just by being kind to those around us) by no 'bashing' people. I have a goal to be more charitable! And i got to spend a lot of time with Ashley- she even was kind enough to bring me a birthday lunch of Taqueria to my class i was teaching. I am so blessed to have so many great people in my life that care and love me... more on my birthday DAY to come!!!!
26 week pictures
Thanks to my sweet husband for always taking so many pics- this time he had to take one to remember what he looked like when we were 26 weeks ;)

Thanks for the best date week ever jasy. We went on a date a day this week because we knew i would be gone for 4 days. We has so much fun, five guys on monday, roll up crepes on tuesday, wednesday we had sensuous sandwich and tonight we walked around the beautiful peaceful temple square (in hopes of a Sister Frye spotting, no luck) and then went to CPK for dinner and roamed around the Gateway before he dropped me off at the airport. I love you hunny- see you monday!
Thanks for the best date week ever jasy. We went on a date a day this week because we knew i would be gone for 4 days. We has so much fun, five guys on monday, roll up crepes on tuesday, wednesday we had sensuous sandwich and tonight we walked around the beautiful peaceful temple square (in hopes of a Sister Frye spotting, no luck) and then went to CPK for dinner and roamed around the Gateway before he dropped me off at the airport. I love you hunny- see you monday!
26 weeks.
How far along? 26 weeks- into the double digits of days!
Weight gain/loss: Gain.
Maternity clothes? They are so comfy!!
Stretch marks? Not yet...
Sleep? i sleep good still, not great anymore I progressively wake up more and have a harder time falling asleep
Best moment this week? finally deciding on a crib.
Movement: geesh i'm not sure when she sleeps, although she never moves when i want someone to feel her :) and i am pretty sure i know what hiccups feel like now..
Food cravings: this week: lays wavy chips have to be dipped in onion dip (hmm i sense a consistent onion theme)
Gender: little girl!
Labor signs? No signs of labor- but i have had contractions about once a day or one every other day. I was walking through nordstroms with Jason the other day and had to stop mid path and wait for it to pass.
Belly button in or out? In.
What I miss? sushi. been trying to get fillings with california rolls but its not quite the same.
What I am looking forward to? getting done with my glucose test (i've heard too many horror stories)
Weekly wisdom: enjoy not being TOO big to do everything because i soon will be TOO big
Milestones: baby girl is viable, but lets keep her in there for 13+ more weeks!
Weight gain/loss: Gain.
Maternity clothes? They are so comfy!!
Stretch marks? Not yet...
Sleep? i sleep good still, not great anymore I progressively wake up more and have a harder time falling asleep
Best moment this week? finally deciding on a crib.
Movement: geesh i'm not sure when she sleeps, although she never moves when i want someone to feel her :) and i am pretty sure i know what hiccups feel like now..
Food cravings: this week: lays wavy chips have to be dipped in onion dip (hmm i sense a consistent onion theme)
Gender: little girl!
Labor signs? No signs of labor- but i have had contractions about once a day or one every other day. I was walking through nordstroms with Jason the other day and had to stop mid path and wait for it to pass.
Belly button in or out? In.
What I miss? sushi. been trying to get fillings with california rolls but its not quite the same.
What I am looking forward to? getting done with my glucose test (i've heard too many horror stories)
Weekly wisdom: enjoy not being TOO big to do everything because i soon will be TOO big
Milestones: baby girl is viable, but lets keep her in there for 13+ more weeks!
100 days.
On my little ticker it has informed me that my countdown is at 100 days! tomorrow will be in the double digits. How crazy is it to think that i only have 100 days left. That means it's almost Christmas. Wow- i better start shopping. Thankfully today I was able to get it worked out with my teachers for me to take my finals one week early so I can return to California at 38 weeks. This pregnancy has been a definite faith builder. For those who don't know the story- after much prayer we felt strongly impressed that we should at least TRY to get pregnant in the month of march (to have a christmas break baby) and If it didn't work out we could TRY again in fall for me to be done with school and have a baby. Obviously it made much more sense to wait until fall so I would be done with school- but we felt so strongly that we just needed to try for one month was all. Sure enough i got my first PPT on 4.11.11 (about 3.4 weeks along.) All I could think about was how I would most probably miscarry since every female in my family had had a miscarriage for their first pregnancy and this was too good to be true. I of course had to wait FOREVER well it felt like, to go to the DR. so we both made a trip home in early May and at 7 weeks we saw the cutest little nut and such a strong pulsating heart beat. I still had it in my head that something was not going to be okay- even though my dad informed me, after you see a heart beat, the chance of miscarriage drops to 3-5% or so. A few more weeks went by and now i KNOW why people announce so early because it has been the most constant excitement i have ever imagined (you know when you go to Disneyland and its the best day ever, well this was like Disneyland EVERYDAY) I finally announced it to the FB/blog world at 10.4 weeks. Throughout my journey- thus far- everything has been so smooth and has worked out all too perfectly, but I am constantly humbled and Thank my Heavenly Father for allowing me the opportunity to carry this little girl and letting me get through school, not sick, carrying a healthy baby, continuing to work and, well, cleaning with Pine Sol ALL THE TIME! Maybe i am Jinxing myself or speaking too soon, but my faith in my Heavenly Father has never been so strong and it is only growing as I have begun the downhill of this journey. I have 4 more trips home = 4 more DR. appointment's. This weekend (26 weeks)- last weekend in october(32 weeks)- Thanksgiving (36 weeks) and then after my finals (38 weeks) (which another faith builder- that my teachers are so willing to work with my situation) And one of my sisters so willingly offered to come to utah and fly with me back to CA when i return at 38 weeks (since jason will be here an additional week finishing his finals) I know Heavenly Father knows my needs and knows what will be best for our growing family so at the moments i get incredibly anxious and stressed at the thought of what i am doing (having a BABY before my last semester of nursing school) or how will i ever get home or something is going to happen and i won't make it home, I know i just need to relax, do all I can and put my faith and trust in him- because he has helped me thus far and I know everything will work out. For those who are still reading sorry it's so lengthy, but sometimes you need to write down it ALL (right?)
8 months.
Nope, not 8 months to do with me, but just Less than 8 Months until elder wagner gets home! I can't believe it. I feel like he just left, but then i feel like he has been gone forEVER. All i know is the ward in Weatherford Texas is sure lucky to have him there! Elder Wagner is a Zone Leader and doing awesome!!
23 & 24
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