No, not like the Justin Bieber lyrics, although he is coming to Omaha July 6th and I am dying to go.. anyone wanna go with???
okay- we were at the zoo the other day with a bunch of neighbors/friends, and 2 of the older kids were looking in the gift shop for things they wanted... they didn't think they would be able to get anything, but then the boy turned to the girl and said:
"Just ask Devyn, She always says yes!"
HAHAHA. Guess what, they didn't ask me, maybe because their moms overhead them...because... had they asked, well...
Look how much i learn about myself from these cute kids! But i'm no sure what to make of it, good? they like me. bad? i Never Say Never.... is it bad to always say yes? I need to practice saying no, especially to miss hazel. She can't have every mickey thing she sees in the store.. ;) or can she?
College World Series
One of Jason's Father's Day gifts was tickets to a college World Series game. We originally were not going to go, but since I have many regrets about things we never did while in Utah, we have decided to do as many Nebraskan activities as possible! :) so we splurged and got decent seats, left hazey with a sitter and went to the game. It was game 7 LSU versus UnC and we each picked a team to cheer for (since we weren't dying for one or the other!) Jason picked LSU because Brian Wilson pitched there, so I got UnC.. And who won? My team! Hehe. We did leave in the 8th it was too hot! Next year, night games only!!
Father's Day 2013
I made Jason this photo book of hazel and him for his fathers day this year. He is such an amazing dad! seriously! When I went to arizona for a week and Jason kept Hazel, i got several comments from the other moms around here who were so impressed with how well he was with hazel, always dressed cute, always took her out to play and to the playground, and she always seemed happy.. well and the fact that he was so willing to keep her for a whole week without me!! He is so amazing, not only that time, but all the time and hazel is so cute and will often look all over the house for her daddy when he is at school. We love you jason and hope you had a great day!!
Turn your favorite photos into a photo book at
my own.
my own body. It's weird when you start having kids, and nursing.. you feel like you will never have your body back to yourself. I stopped nursing like 5 months ago, but you forget that you don't have to share anymore. i will admit i am much harsher on my body, i workout harder, i eat worse, i drink too much diet coke.. but i also get to go donate blood tomorrow. oddly, i never thought i would be excited. I like to save lives. besides, at church on sunday, they announced "if you aren't pregnant or breastfeeding, come give blood" because just about every other person in the room is pregnant and then almost all the rest are nursing. haha. but truth is, as much as i enjoy donating blood, i am really looking forward to sharing my body again someday. (not an announcement.) because this seems so long ago:
I can't wait for Baby Mac to arrive, although he will either give me my baby fix, or make it worse ;)
Life lately
when isn't life crazy, right? Well life lately, we are both back in school for summer session but only 4 more weeks. i'm back to working my normal 2 nights a week (i had to make up for my month i missed!) and we both are loving playing with hazel and watching her grow and learn new things.
I don't even know where she learns these things!
we seriously have so much fun.
below is in church today. Today she also had her first full 2 hours of nursery. They said she did great... Last week she went only to one hour. (no, she isn't 18 months until the 22, but our ward nursery said children are welcome on the first sunday of the month of their 18 mo birthday!) Hallelujah... now bring home the sicknesses!! ;)
I don't even know where she learns these things!
we seriously have so much fun.
below is in church today. Today she also had her first full 2 hours of nursery. They said she did great... Last week she went only to one hour. (no, she isn't 18 months until the 22, but our ward nursery said children are welcome on the first sunday of the month of their 18 mo birthday!) Hallelujah... now bring home the sicknesses!! ;)
Oh and i've been getting the itch to do so many little projects in my house (like my kitchen) okay maybe not so little.. but i think i know why i am not satisfied, because i need more spiritual reminders around my house, quotes or scriptures or pictures. Our lesson in relief society at church talked about good music- I need to focus on making my house a holy place, with good music! where everyone can feel the spirit and love of our home. That's my goal, oh and to make dinners this week (with a destroyed kitchen, we ate out almost every night last week.)
Things to remember
I love to remember these funny little things Hazel is up to, so here are a few recent pictures and sorry if you follow me on IG..
Hazel learned how to take her pants off one night. haha!
Got pretty much all her hair in one pony in the back!
While watching cartoons one morning, all she wanted was this swim diaper on her head!!!

She loves to put on any shoes she finds. Here she is trying to walk in Daddy's shoes. Today a friend came over and left her shoes by the door and when she went to put them back on hazel was putting them on!
I was trying to get hazel dressed but she is so busy she ran away after i got her shirt off. She found these window sticky things the other day and has been loving seeing what they can stick to, including her belly!!
Oh and there's the Boots again :)
Hazel learned how to take her pants off one night. haha!
Got pretty much all her hair in one pony in the back!
While watching cartoons one morning, all she wanted was this swim diaper on her head!!!
so, Hazel thinks these 'shoes' or boots with the fur are so much fun to wear, they are by far her favorite shoes to wear right now. she also has an obssession with sitting on everything so after she played the drums she then sat on them. oh and we have been having lots of dance parties and she is getting to be quite the dancer!

She loves to put on any shoes she finds. Here she is trying to walk in Daddy's shoes. Today a friend came over and left her shoes by the door and when she went to put them back on hazel was putting them on!
Oh and there's the Boots again :)
I feel like my iPhone picture taking quality has gone down the dumps lately. sorry for all the phone pictures.. thats the only kind of pictures i ever have time for!!
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