Last saturday i was getting home from my 11th year of 4H camp.. (and counting!) I love this camp so much i cannot even explain what goes on here.. 5 years as a camper, 4 years as a teen leader (staffer), and now 2 years as an adult leader (counselor). Zachy was also there as a staffer and we had so much fun helping out all the little campers have such a memorable experience.Also it is a week to spend with my very bestest friend Heather, every year its our whole week to catch up on life!! I am never as tired as i am when i get home from camp, or have as much laundry- it takes a good week to recover! here are some lovely pictures....

I already look tired!

This is the traditional PJ dance.. zach and I were the first on the dance floor!


getting ready to welcome the campers

Thumbs up for camp!
Looks like so much fun Dev! I love the PJ dance. You should have put up a video of it. I'm so glad you are enjoying home! We miss you here!
I am glad you guys had fun! I think I will send ryry and ck there some day!
DEVYN YOU ARE WEARING THE RED PJS! i cant wait for you to come to our house in those again.
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