sorry i've been MIA for a long time. school is getting CRAZY esp. with finals coming up. but we bought a car today.. we have had one car since the big accident in september and have been carefully looking and finally found one we could pay for (and have no payments) and is decent to get us through our school years. an '04 honda civic. 4 door- don't worry gotta fit some car seats in someday hehe! well i mainly wanted to blog about my sister. I can't stop thinking of her and the amazing sister,mother,daughter,wife and best friend she is. Sometimes not so fun things happen to really amazing people. I don't think i could handle her trials but she is so strong and can take on anything. I have always looked up to her and know that in times of trials her Heavenly Father and her family will always be right by her side. i wish i could drive my new car to her house right now and hug her and spend time with her and cry with her, it makes me sad that people can be so mean but this will pass and we will all have learned something from it! You have a beautiful family and a sweet husband and a wonderful life. i love you sissy.

(sorry its so cheesy but so true )