what else could this possibly be about other than my sweet favorite little brother.. of course i couldn't be more excited and happy for his decision to serve the Lord and serve a two year mission in Texas Fort Worth- but at the same time i have been having a hard time knowing I won't see/speak to him for two years- well good thing our good friends the Petersen's are moving to Dallas and good thing they are huge BYU football fans because i already invited jason and i to come stay with them next october 16th for the TCU v. BYU football game! and maybe ill run into elder wagner... on another note..a couple years ago if zachy would have been leaving i think it would have been a smidge easier- but after having him over multiple times a week this year and having him live so close we were able to become much closer and well ya.. it doesn't help that i cry easily.

i love my new keychain esp when people ask about it... hey family let me know if anyone else wants to add one to their key ring!!
I WANT ONE!!!! or 2 or 3!!
Ha!! I guess I have one but sounds like I might need another and Dad--hellp--needs a few! How about a great Mother's and Father's day present?? Love you, Devyn--sweet post!
We hope y'all really do come down for the game! That would be a lot of fun. Good luck saying bye to your brother. I know how hard it is. I know it is cliché after the first few months, it really will go by pretty fast!
How cute is that key chain!! Spencer went to Texas too, but a diff. mission. At least you HAD him around this past year right?? My sis is most likely not coming back next fall either. You and I will just have to get together more to fill that Void! Love ya girl!
I'll take one!!
thanks friends and family! i hope it goes by fast- i will be getting all the fam one! and yes katie plan on us hehe!!! and chels we should fill our lonliness... minus the fact you will have two kiddos tehehe i am so excited...
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