a wise missionary...
a wise missionary once told me, "If you do have a bad day just remember to pray, and when you don't want to pray, pray until you want to pray." Thanks Elder Wagner, i read your letters daily.
real nurse stuff
This semester has already been so fun, just finishing my 3rd week of classes, ask me again at week 17!!!! but we have actually been doing like 'real' nursing stuff, as most last semester was nursing assistant stuff. Yesterday we learned shots! we got to practice and even practice fake TB tests. we also got to give our dummies all their medications, through an iv and everything. I have two quizzes today, as will i have every wednesday from now on. welp heres a good picture if only everyone could be this happy when giving getting shots!

the little things.
There are lots of things in my life i am scared or nervous about, to name a few, school, work, life and changes and graduating and dental school and where we will go and where we will end up and how many kids we will have and even more WHEN we will have kids. (NO i'm not pregnant!) but it has been a topic of conversation for quite some time now and it is so hard to determine when the 'right' time is be or if there ever really is a right time. It has been in prayers, fasting and temple visits lately but still a hard decision. I have faith in my Heavenly Father and know it will work out how it should but i get so Scared! i get scared to be a Mom, to raise a child, and to try to teach them to do what is right. Luckily i have such a great husband who will be such a wonderful father someday and even today in the mail i got the sweetest thank you card from my sister and it said, "You are such a sweet auntie and will be the best mom!" Thanks Brit- not sure how you knew i needed that today- but i love you!
Freezer meal recap.
So, we have been trying out the freezer meals for the past two nights and let me tell you about it; day 1 Honey Mustard chicken, FAIL! I think it would have been delicious minus the part i BURNED it. hmmph how did i manage to burn a crock pot meal? not quite sure, but it was disgusting. Day 2 Cafe Rio chicken, DELICIOUS! I did not burn this crock pot meal (i learned i used much smaller portions so i think im needing to always put it on LOW and for a couple less hours) once the chicken was shredded it was delicious in our tacos! BE sure to check out this blog www.sasrecipes.blogspot.com for freezer meals and amazing recipes! thanks Pickett sisters for sharing :)
Freezer meals.
Today, for dinner, we will be trying out my new project (compliments of Lisa) freezer meals. I made 7 pre-made meals on saturday and then froze them.(i think this will make me much less stressed every night thinking about dinner) All i have to do is take them out the night before to thaw in the fridge, put in the crock pot around noon, and then the main dish is all done! just make a side of rice to go with it and we have a delicious dinner!! Tonight is honey mustard chicken and rice.

they are all lying flat on the top left, labeled with date, what they are and cooking instructions so i can have jason just as easily make one!
they are all lying flat on the top left, labeled with date, what they are and cooking instructions so i can have jason just as easily make one!
Heather comes to town, part 3!
Heather and I slept in on saturday and woke up and got ready slowly, and then we were off- to the BYU vs Air Force Boys Basketball game at the Marriott Center, where they WON of course! It was a fun game to be at and we then went home, relaxed, then off to Provo mall because of course i hadn't taken her to that mall yet haha. we had dinner at the Provo Famous BRICK OVEN pizza! then went to see Tron. yes i did fall asleep, but i also wasn't feeling too great. Sunday Heather got all packed up while jas and I went to church and when we got home we packed up and headed up to Salt Lake! once we got to salt lake we took heather on a tour of Temple Square (where we couldn't find Sister Frye, she was on an assignment until later that day)and then toured to Conference center. It is always so neat to be able to be so close to so many amazing church buildings. I learn something new everytime I go there! sadly the time was drawing near, we drove Heather to the airport and said our goodbyes. Don't worry heather, ill see you soon im sure!! It was such a blast to have you come stay and we did so many exciting things. I hope heather had just as much fun as i did! i already have been missing her cheerful, "good morning!!" can't wait for 4h camp 2011!
Heather comes to town, part 2!
(picture at OLYMPIC park)

sorry for a delay, i have been quite sick this past week, in recovery mode now! Friday with heather was a fun day too! Friday she came to work with me, and got a scalp treatment, deep conditioner, blowdry, and hair curled! we then went to a delish lunch at burger supreme (their garden burger is to DIE for!) after lunch she got her nails done and then we were off to Park City! We drove up beautiful Provo canyon and saw bridal veil falls on the way up. even with snow all around there was water flowing! In park city we went to the Olympic park and toured the museum. we then hit up the Park City outlets, we were both disappointed. The stores were pretty bare, not much merchandise up there right now, i guess. we ate at TEXAS roadhouse for dinner that night! even after over a 2 hour wait, it was worth it. missing Heather so much!!!!!

sorry for a delay, i have been quite sick this past week, in recovery mode now! Friday with heather was a fun day too! Friday she came to work with me, and got a scalp treatment, deep conditioner, blowdry, and hair curled! we then went to a delish lunch at burger supreme (their garden burger is to DIE for!) after lunch she got her nails done and then we were off to Park City! We drove up beautiful Provo canyon and saw bridal veil falls on the way up. even with snow all around there was water flowing! In park city we went to the Olympic park and toured the museum. we then hit up the Park City outlets, we were both disappointed. The stores were pretty bare, not much merchandise up there right now, i guess. we ate at TEXAS roadhouse for dinner that night! even after over a 2 hour wait, it was worth it. missing Heather so much!!!!!
Heather comes to town, part 1!
Heather, being the best friend that she is, came to UTAH to visit and stay with hubs and I, well mainly me, but jason did have a lot of fun!! Heather got to town at 9:30 thursday morning and we drove back to provo and she dropped her stuff off and she found this on her bed!

We then went to yummy Einsteins bagels and then off to provo college to buy books. It was book buy back day, so i brought my books to sell, and they didn't take a single one back... ugggh i know! but i still had to buy my books, 4 books for 450$. seriously? yes, because one of my books was $225! it will all pay off in the end.. haha. so after the books we headed up to the mall, we shopped and then picked Jason up from school and had a fabulous olive garden lunch. That night we stayed in and watched Easy A, grey's anatomy and jersey shore! Stay tuned for PART 2!

We then went to yummy Einsteins bagels and then off to provo college to buy books. It was book buy back day, so i brought my books to sell, and they didn't take a single one back... ugggh i know! but i still had to buy my books, 4 books for 450$. seriously? yes, because one of my books was $225! it will all pay off in the end.. haha. so after the books we headed up to the mall, we shopped and then picked Jason up from school and had a fabulous olive garden lunch. That night we stayed in and watched Easy A, grey's anatomy and jersey shore! Stay tuned for PART 2!
2010 recap
January- I got my CNA and started my last semester of pre-reqs. Jason started his junior year.
February- zach got his mission call and we went to the Arizona temple!
March- Mark and Mallory get married and lots of family come to visit!
April- bought a new car! finished the semester jason took a trip to Missouri.
May- Zach left on his Mission- I went to disneyland with ashley and addie. I applied for nursing school. Jason takes spring classes. Baby Dean was born.
June- Erin graduates LAW school!! I went to chicago for her graduation. Jason starts summer classes
July- We went to a couple family reunions. Wagner family reunion in Island Park, id. and Turnbull (Cima) family reunion in Salt Lake! I went to 4H camp, got accepted to nursing school
August- celebrated our 2 year wedding anniversary, drove to CA 2 times! Jason turned 24
September- Jason started school and I started Nursing school! I turned 22
October- Katie turned 30 with a big 80's bash
November- Thanksgiving in Bountiful with grandma and grandpa Turnbull and the Picketts!
December- I went to Disneyland with the Stabiles, We passed our classes! the semester ended, Jason finishing his Junior year and i finished my first semester of nursing. Home for christmas break and Disneyland trip!
Im sure I am forgetting much more, but thats it in a nutshell..many more exciting things to look forward to this year- especially Jason applying to Dental schools and taking the DAT and me, taking my LPN exam in august!
February- zach got his mission call and we went to the Arizona temple!
March- Mark and Mallory get married and lots of family come to visit!
April- bought a new car! finished the semester jason took a trip to Missouri.
May- Zach left on his Mission- I went to disneyland with ashley and addie. I applied for nursing school. Jason takes spring classes. Baby Dean was born.
June- Erin graduates LAW school!! I went to chicago for her graduation. Jason starts summer classes
July- We went to a couple family reunions. Wagner family reunion in Island Park, id. and Turnbull (Cima) family reunion in Salt Lake! I went to 4H camp, got accepted to nursing school
August- celebrated our 2 year wedding anniversary, drove to CA 2 times! Jason turned 24
September- Jason started school and I started Nursing school! I turned 22
October- Katie turned 30 with a big 80's bash
November- Thanksgiving in Bountiful with grandma and grandpa Turnbull and the Picketts!
December- I went to Disneyland with the Stabiles, We passed our classes! the semester ended, Jason finishing his Junior year and i finished my first semester of nursing. Home for christmas break and Disneyland trip!
Im sure I am forgetting much more, but thats it in a nutshell..many more exciting things to look forward to this year- especially Jason applying to Dental schools and taking the DAT and me, taking my LPN exam in august!
12.17.10 through 1.2.11
The length of our marvelous stay home! a good 16 days home! Upon arriving home, i did hair, eyelashes, hair and hair and tons more eyelashes for 4 days straight until we were off to Disneyland with the Pickett side! We stayed at the Grand Californian hotel and with our suite included the VIP club room. we had free breakfast, snacks, drinks, fresh fruit constantly and even cookie decorating in the club room. Santa came two nights at disneyland, one night with out christmas PJ's and the next night with our stockings! We enjoyed riding as many rides as possible wed the 22 was very EMPTY, thursday was a bit more crowded, and friday, christmas eve, they were limiting the number of people let in. Jason and I flew back to norcal friday night while the rest of the gang stayed till christmas night. Christmas morning was chaos, but fun. There were 12 adults and 5 kids. all trying to open presents from youngest to oldest. Then the phone rang, it was ELDER WAGNER, he called an hour earlier than he had told us, but it was the best early surprise! He only had 40 minutes on the dot, so we had 5 people on the phone at a time listening or talking. everyone got a few words in. It made for the best christmas yet!!!! Monday the 27th we went to a San Jose Sharks game! They lost but it was still so much fun to be there! Tuesday we attended a wedding- wednesday we went to San francisco (see post below!) thursday, friday and saturday were spent doing more hair and more eyelashes. I love my Napa/Benicia Clients. Thank you guys for allowing me to come home every 6 weeks! New years eve was spent staying up until 12:01 and hosting some guests with games and good food. The food during the holidays is AMAZING, but i am sure paying for it now. well i'll be surprised it yall read this whole thing, but here are a couple pictures..

this is our christmas card picture this year, the best one we could get!

this is our christmas card picture this year, the best one we could get!
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