The length of our marvelous stay home! a good 16 days home! Upon arriving home, i did hair, eyelashes, hair and hair and tons more eyelashes for 4 days straight until we were off to Disneyland with the Pickett side! We stayed at the Grand Californian hotel and with our suite included the VIP club room. we had free breakfast, snacks, drinks, fresh fruit constantly and even cookie decorating in the club room. Santa came two nights at disneyland, one night with out christmas PJ's and the next night with our stockings! We enjoyed riding as many rides as possible wed the 22 was very EMPTY, thursday was a bit more crowded, and friday, christmas eve, they were limiting the number of people let in. Jason and I flew back to norcal friday night while the rest of the gang stayed till christmas night. Christmas morning was chaos, but fun. There were 12 adults and 5 kids. all trying to open presents from youngest to oldest. Then the phone rang, it was ELDER WAGNER, he called an hour earlier than he had told us, but it was the best early surprise! He only had 40 minutes on the dot, so we had 5 people on the phone at a time listening or talking. everyone got a few words in. It made for the best christmas yet!!!! Monday the 27th we went to a San Jose Sharks game! They lost but it was still so much fun to be there! Tuesday we attended a wedding- wednesday we went to San francisco (see post below!) thursday, friday and saturday were spent doing more hair and more eyelashes. I love my Napa/Benicia Clients. Thank you guys for allowing me to come home every 6 weeks! New years eve was spent staying up until 12:01 and hosting some guests with games and good food. The food during the holidays is AMAZING, but i am sure paying for it now. well i'll be surprised it yall read this whole thing, but here are a couple pictures..

this is our christmas card picture this year, the best one we could get!
What a busy trip! Thank you for the invite on NYE, but with the baby we just didn't make it. Sounds like you all had a ton of fun though!
we loved spending time with you!!
I read all the way through! I'm glad you and Brittani came and hung out for a few minutes while you guys were all home. I always love spending time with you guys...eerr girls!
Ditto--come back come back!! I sure love you guys!!
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