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Puerto Vallarta

Jason and I left for our honeymoon the very next morning. Jason booked our trip in early July and was able to keep it a secrect up until about a week and a half before!!!! I was so excited to find out we were going to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico! Thanks to Ashley and Ron for giving us a week of their timeshare :) and to both our parents for our airfare! we were able to have such a relaxing time laying by the pool drinking virgin strawberry daquiris and walking along the beach. We also went into town a few times and went to the flea market and bought little things.. we even started to get the hang of bartering! we still arent very good at it! ha! After all the mexican food we ate we wanted some american food.. so we decided to go to Hard Rock Cafe.. and we were so surprised to find that an American Restaurant had the highest prices ever... higher than even in America! it wasn't even as good as the american ones.. our other favorite restaurant we went to was Senor Frogs.. There was a big bug at our table haha but they caught it, and then they put a big sign by us that said ".." somehow everyone seemed to know we were honeymooners... maybe it was or maybe just because we were young and lovey dovey..who knows but everyone seemed to know!! It was soooooo much fun! when we got home we both got a little bit sick... we didn't even drink the water.. but we think it may have been from the ice cubes or fruit washed in the water... DANGIT!!!! oh well its over now and it was the bestest honeymoon ever. thanks honey for planning it all!!!!!


Cathy said...

I am so telling MOM!

trudy...{and jamo} said...

Hey girl!!! Congrats on the wedding! Are you done with school? How is everything?!