10 adults and 4 kids. it was a fun day!! we went to the California Academy of Science it was so cool and we all had such a fun time!! after that we went to Pier 39 and walked around all the cool stores. It was FREEZING though, so we left shortly after getting there. It was such a fun day trip, thanks mom and dad!!
San Francisco
10 adults and 4 kids. it was a fun day!! we went to the California Academy of Science it was so cool and we all had such a fun time!! after that we went to Pier 39 and walked around all the cool stores. It was FREEZING though, so we left shortly after getting there. It was such a fun day trip, thanks mom and dad!!
Tissue holder, making it fashionable to cry
I heart my new Funky Vintage Kitchen items. I got a new ring, new earrings, but my favorite right now is my cute tissue holder. It will be very handy tomorrow.. As I get to talk to my favorite missionary elder Wagner in Texas. The tears of excitement have already begun and yes mom, he has made this Christmas especially exciting! Thanks April and FVK for my treasured gifts! Check out her cute store
The things I do to study
If any of you know me, you know that I have such a difficult time sitting and studying, for more than like 10 minutes. i've never loved school or liked to study, ask my dad, i never read a single book in my high school english classes, and i was pretty proud of it. now that i mention it, im not sure ive read a single entire book in my college career... but im not sure who has read an entire textbook....so i made a study book. yes i just got back from fedex, and had a little notebook bound, of study questions our teacher gave us, so now i begin to fill out my 60 page notebook before thursday at 3. talk to you after then, and if i do post before then, my little notebook didn't excite me enough to study. ha.
Gym Etiquette
This morning I went to a power pump class at the gym. I was very irritated for most of the time because everyone was so squished in there. I got there plenty early and set my place up and had my little area while it began to get smaller and smaller even after the class had started. I like spin class, because there are only so many bikes and thats it, you're out of luck, come earlier next time, but this class.. it was like how many people can we possibly squish into this room. and then, the lady sooooo close next to me, didn't have enough equipment because she was so late, so she keep asking to borrow mine... hello?!! i need to do the things and use my own equipment. hmm.. maybe we shouldn't come to the class if we don't have enough of the right stuff, i wish they would put a limit on the non spin classes. Also, there was this girl right infront of me who was doing her own workout the entire time. okay usually you come to a class to participate, don't take up room. so once the class was over i leave and go over to ride the bike for a bit, when i saw it, this girl riding a bike,she had her tank folded up like it was a sports bra, but obviously it wasn't because it was folded (no matter how skinny you are, your stomach still looks retarded when you are riding a bike...)and i know i gave her this disgusted look... oopsies... but the next time i glanced over her shirt was back down. The gym is the best place to people watch, you find some of the most absurd outfits, unflattering clothing, perfectly polished girls, and weird smells. why is it the gym is one of my favorite places to be then. ha. does anything bother you at the gym??
dumb girls,
golds gym,
power pump,
smelly people,
spin class
boring posts.
So i wish i ever had anything good to post about. people who have babies can just snap some cute photos and throw them on here. same with animals, or crafts, or (sometimes when i cook) but right now all i could take pictures of and upload them are boring things, like my nursing or microbiology book, maybe the gym, maybe my laundry.. but i always have pictures of cute HIM that i can post on here :) here he is, right now, trying to nap, trying to study and trying to fight off whatever sicky he has
quick trip.

My trip to disneyland this weekend was rather quick, and crowded. It was very crowded at disneyland but i was able to spend time with my sissy and some of my favorite little kiddos. It is so much fun to see their faces light up when they see a character and see them dance at the parades and chow down on churros. It was a blast. Thanks ash and ron for a fun time!! it was fun to have lunch with auntie barbara uncle bob danny and christina. I was planning on meeting up with one of my great friends in college... who has the most beautiful photogenic baby! but time wasn't in my favor i sure hope to spend some time with them over christmas!!
you know you do hair when..
You know you do hair when everywhere you look you see levels and tones and roots and all different colors, not just blonde, brown, red and black. Six years ago, if i would have seen a very blonde haired girl i would have thought, "wow, she has very blonde hair" 3 years ago if i were to look at the same hair i would have thought "hmm, she definitely has like a level 12 hair color, with level 5 roots." Well, i saw a very very blonde girl today and in my head i though, "Her hair has no pigment left, i wonder what color she was to begin with, maybe black, ugh then whoever did her hair had to put through all the reds and oranges and yellows to finally get to the level she is at now, with little natural pigments remaining , well they probably should have toned her hair with a violet based color to remove some of that yellow, or maybe a blue based to remove some of that orange, well they should have just toned with an N in Shades because it has a blue/violet base. yeah a 9N that would've worked and looked a whole lot better.." Thanks Renaissance and a fabulous color teacher KA. Check out the school i teach for, we are pretty amazing. www.hairschoolonline.com
typical semester countdown..
1 day until:

3 days left of class
1 nursing test left
1 nursing final left
1 microbiology final left
15 days until

17 days until Erin is home
20 days until the happiest place on earth with the Picketts!
22 days until i see The Hamilton family
and 23 days until we talk to him!
oh yeah and 23 days until

Oh December.. i LOVE YOU


3 days left of class
1 nursing test left
1 nursing final left
1 microbiology final left
15 days until

17 days until Erin is home
20 days until the happiest place on earth with the Picketts!
22 days until i see The Hamilton family
and 23 days until we talk to him!

oh yeah and 23 days until

Oh December.. i LOVE YOU
Thanksgiving and BLACK FRIDAY
On our way home at 6 AM from Kohls and Target... i'm so lucky, he will even go shopping with me at 2:30 AM. only one day a year though..

Thanksgiving was very fun this year, and very relaxing. we were able to go up to Bountiful and stay with Grandma and Grandpa Turnbull and Mom&dad Pickett and Jamie were all there too! We watched lots of law&order, criminal minds, and Without a trace. I am becoming addicted to all of them. Thursday morning we woke up and went to Old Navy and then back home and got ready for our amazing turkey dinner! Friday morning at 245 we were out and off to Kohls. Kohls was INSANE! luckily, dad pickett has some pretty mad line waiting skills. After we got out of kohls, we header over to target. We got some pretty good buys at target and then to mcdonalds for a 5 am breakfast. we went home slept and then back out to the mall for more shopping about 2 pm. Jason and I were able to get ALL of our christmas shopping done, minus 1 person, on black friday! It was AWESOME. :) overall it was a very fun thanksgiving, but now i need to get back to homework, and the gym.

mmmmm... the pies tasted pretty good..
Thanksgiving was very fun this year, and very relaxing. we were able to go up to Bountiful and stay with Grandma and Grandpa Turnbull and Mom&dad Pickett and Jamie were all there too! We watched lots of law&order, criminal minds, and Without a trace. I am becoming addicted to all of them. Thursday morning we woke up and went to Old Navy and then back home and got ready for our amazing turkey dinner! Friday morning at 245 we were out and off to Kohls. Kohls was INSANE! luckily, dad pickett has some pretty mad line waiting skills. After we got out of kohls, we header over to target. We got some pretty good buys at target and then to mcdonalds for a 5 am breakfast. we went home slept and then back out to the mall for more shopping about 2 pm. Jason and I were able to get ALL of our christmas shopping done, minus 1 person, on black friday! It was AWESOME. :) overall it was a very fun thanksgiving, but now i need to get back to homework, and the gym.
mmmmm... the pies tasted pretty good..
Today I have felt my Savior's love over and over again. I have been stressing with school and work and all the things that come with life, and on saturday after a much needed talk with my sweet sister Britt (and with her prompt to get a blessing) i asked my jason for a blessing. He gave me such a nice blessing and I was hoping things would get better immediately. the stress continued, but today, i was in my first class of the day, with my 3x5 cards for my microbiology test later that day on my desk when a lady walked in and announced to our class that all classes for the rest of the day were cancelled due to the severe blizzard storm, including microbiology and our test was rescheduled until next tuesday. This was AMAZING news, I knew this was such a blessing and i WILL study a lot before then. I was then at the grocery store later today and was behind a lady who was buying a turkey (at the grocery store they give out coupons towards a turkey all the month of november depending on how much you spend) I had a .50 cent coupon, not much, but knowing i would not be buying a turkey, i offered it to her. She was so thankful and so gracious and then told me she was about to take this turkey to a family who couldn't get one of their own and continued to thank me (it was only 50 cents but she made me feel like i bought the whole thing :) Later Jason and I were able to go to the Temple, as always the spirit is absolutely undeniable at the temple, but when we walked back out to our car, there was a bag on my windshield. It had a little note that said "Whoever renders service to many puts himself in line for greatness-great wealth, great return, great satisfaction, great reputation, and great joy. Thankful for all you do for others." and a 100 grand candy bar. They were on several cars around us, and to think that someone cared about the members who attended the temple that day and to leave us such a sweet gift meant so much.
Ashley's Birthday
Happy birthday to my sissy Ashley. I have always looked up to ash.. Maybe because she won homecoming queen and miss napa county or maybe because she would play with me when britt and erin would leave as soon as i wanted to play with them hahaha. she was bigsmash and then i decided (i think with her help) to make my email lilsmash. She said if i never cut my hair until she got married i could come live with her for a whole summer, well i cut my hair, i did spend a couple weeks with her though. I did have a Miss America birthday party in 3rd grade after being able to attend the miss california pageant when she was in it. Sometimes she bet me to do things, like when she dared me to bear my testimony in sacrament and she would take me to breakfast, or wear my PJ's to church (my mom would never let me) or even spill the sacrament tray..errr maybe that was erin, well either way church was never boring with her. I don't remember much more of ash being at home when i was little, but i do remember a lot now. Ashley is such a great sisters, mom, daughter, wife, nurse. shes is an amazing woman. love you ashy! PS read this from last years posts!!!
I'm a Brunette.
22 years later I got up the courage to dye my hair dark. No i didn't take a poll on facebook or on my blog because I wasn't worried was others thought :) Whenever people ask others they get such mixed answers so i just colored it. Britt just colored her hair dark too and i think it gave me courage- well i really like it, and surprisingly hubby liked it too. I didn't tell him i was doing it, and when i got home he didn't look up from his computer and said hi, so i was putting my stuff away and asked if he'd take a picture and he asked why and i said to send to my mom, and he looked up at me and kinda made a funny face and then came and gave me a kiss and told me i looked pretty. i think he knew i was scared at what he would say since he's always said he likes blonde hair. we will see how long i Love it!
6 months.
Yes Elder Wagner has been on his mission over 6 months now and in just 39 days i/we will get to talk to him. Last year when he was a freshman up at BYU it was SO much fun having him here. he would do his laundry here, eat dinner and other food (jason's eggos and PB) he would take naps here, he would dance/party over here, he would even come go to the bathroom in peace and quiet here (where he wouldn't get random college pranks played on him).. haha and sometimes he would go shopping with me when jason was studying. we christmas shopped together and we drove home for thanksgiving together and he even drove 2 hours each way to pick jason and i up when we totaled the volvo. This month is a month of Thanks and I am thankful for so many things, but tonight in particular I am very thankful for my sweet little brother and his desire to serve a mission and has so faithfully been doing so. he is such an example to me and to anyone who knows him. I am thankful for our time here in provo together, we became so close, and yes i wish he was still with us in provo (mainly to take us to eat at the cannon center!!) but i know he is where he should be. I am thankful for Elder Wagner

caught during a sunday nap, no not on his mission.
caught during a sunday nap, no not on his mission.
pies and games
This year for Thanksgiving we get to stay in Utah and head up to beautiful Bountiful to spend with family and stay at Grandma and Grandpa Turnbull's! It really so sad how close we live but still feel like we hardly get to go see them, i guess school and work have us pretty tied down, but it will be nice to get a break from school and get to spend some quality time up there!! So since i LOVE Baking, i am so excited to be able to bake a few pies for thanksgiving and think of some fun games to play while we are up there... i need suggestions! on fun family games to play and your favorite pie recipes (pumpkin, apple, and cherry is what im making) please and thank you!!!!! as much as i love baking i have yet to make a homemade pie.. so i need to try a few out before the big day!
Christmas Shopping!
Yes.. 44 more days! GET excited! well i am, and i love the shopping part, except for how crowded & chaotic stores are. Even today, as i went to the mall to find some birthday gifts, it was SO crowded.. ALREADY!!! well good thing i already have been looking at gifts (we need to draw names already ;)
I think ryann would love this, since she is obsessed with unicorns
don't you think uncle zachy would love a picture of Dean in this?? :)

male model.
Yes, both pictures are very similar... yes that is jason getting his haircut, yes those are a bunch of my students, yes that is at the hair school i teach at, yes Jason was a Male Model today for an American Crew national educator. He got one amazing haircut, with a neck shave. now my standards are higher for his haircuts to come.... He's the best male model ever!
Baby Eli.
This past weekend we took a trip up to Rexburg, ID to meet Baby Eli Fisher and of course see how the parents are doing!! mom and dad fisher seem to be absolutely WONDerful. They are such great parents. It was so fun to see them with their sweet baby Eli. Even Jason was in love with this little boy!!! Eli is so cute!!!! i can't wait to see and hold him again :) I enjoyed every moment i got to hold him- even tried out the Moby wrap. (i def loved that!)

Craig took us out shooting on saturday morning. it was a fun experience, loud, im surprised eli slept through it all!!

We went to dinner later on saturday to watch the giants game... the only one of the series they lost..

Look at that cute face!!! Thanks so much Fisher family for letting us come and stay with you and HOG baby ELI!!!!!!!!!

Craig took us out shooting on saturday morning. it was a fun experience, loud, im surprised eli slept through it all!!

We went to dinner later on saturday to watch the giants game... the only one of the series they lost..

Look at that cute face!!! Thanks so much Fisher family for letting us come and stay with you and HOG baby ELI!!!!!!!!!
any GIANTS fans in UTAH?
So apparently no one likes the Giants in Utah. Okay maybe some people do, like US and they have no GIANTS apparel ANYWHERE!!!! Online shopping you say... OF Course... MINUS the 3-5 day shipping, okay so get overnight, well apparently it still takes 3-5 days to process orders and then overnight shipping. Well this was not quick enough for us.. so we improvised.. I think they are pretty sweet. GO GIANTS!!!!! (and jason got a beard at the halloween store... he is going to wear his beard and giants apparel all around town..!!!!) GO GIGANTES!!!!!!
and no Ethan, we are not rooting for Texas just because Zachy is there, we are still rooting for the GIANTS and you better believe ZACH is TOO!
snow... on october 27th...
the semester is half full.
That is my optimistic version of the semester is half way over!!!!!! i love school, but it is hard to be optimistic when you want life to move on and be done with school. Patience is tough. Im working on it. as i am working on not getting angry for no reason as Zach talked about in his most recent letter. "Like all those times when huge fights between Devyn and Erin would start because Devyn would wear a shirt of Erin's and she hung it up backwards, so erin knew she had worn it. (those were the good old days. Actually not really. I used to cry when you guys fought)." I never realized that we would make zachy cry. I feel awful but zach has made an immediate impact in my daily life. From just this simple letter, he has taught me that we affect everyone around us. It breaks my heart at the thought of me making zachy cry. So to think that i can hurt other children of God makes me sad. I never want to hurt anyone. I need to be slow to anger and be more patient. Thanks Elder Wagner for being so righteous and serving the Lord. Thanks for leaving your family for a short time so other families can be together for eternity. and thanks for your weekly letters of inspiration. I am proud to call you my Brother.

party weekend!
and older picture-but one of the few i could find of KT.

HAPPY late Birthday to my FABULOUS sil Katie! I'm so glad you joined our family and for our little DEAN!!!! who is too cute for words. thanks for a great 80's party!!! Saturday night was a party night. Katies big 3-0. i helped get everyone's hair done and i wish i had some pictures... (hopefully someone will upload some pictures soon!!) and.. The food was amazing...mmm! the rest of my trip home was fabulous as well- spent several days getting hair and eyelashes done and after the big bash on saturday night, my partying didn't stop there ;) Luckily my BFF was up for a bingo night. we went and played the 'twilight' session of bingo. 11 pm it starts and gets over about 2 am. Heather is a BINGO master and won 650$!!! so she treated us to Denny's after! THANKS HEATHER!!! i loved seeing my family and friends and all the time i was able to spend with them. wish i had some pictures as proof.. oh wait i have one..

well, i have a few more pictures but we won't show any-cory had fun taking a bath with dean and ethan. cory in his swimshorts and ethan holding his breath under water, after dean had peed all over everyone. oh man.

HAPPY late Birthday to my FABULOUS sil Katie! I'm so glad you joined our family and for our little DEAN!!!! who is too cute for words. thanks for a great 80's party!!! Saturday night was a party night. Katies big 3-0. i helped get everyone's hair done and i wish i had some pictures... (hopefully someone will upload some pictures soon!!) and.. The food was amazing...mmm! the rest of my trip home was fabulous as well- spent several days getting hair and eyelashes done and after the big bash on saturday night, my partying didn't stop there ;) Luckily my BFF was up for a bingo night. we went and played the 'twilight' session of bingo. 11 pm it starts and gets over about 2 am. Heather is a BINGO master and won 650$!!! so she treated us to Denny's after! THANKS HEATHER!!! i loved seeing my family and friends and all the time i was able to spend with them. wish i had some pictures as proof.. oh wait i have one..

well, i have a few more pictures but we won't show any-cory had fun taking a bath with dean and ethan. cory in his swimshorts and ethan holding his breath under water, after dean had peed all over everyone. oh man.
Isn't he so handsome?
Isnt My hubby is oh so handsome!! We enjoyed a lovely BYU win this evening even in the chilly weather. Thanks Byu football for bringing out mom and dad Pickett for another wonderful weekend spent with them :) and thanks mom and dad for treating us so well all weekend we LOVE when you come and visit!
best friends make life bearable.
life is not easy. everyone knows that. but something else everyone should know is how much more bearable BEST friends make it. not just my BEST friend who rubs my back while i cry to sleep because i had a bad day or im terribly homesick, but my best friends who call because i had a weird FB status update, or remember i have a test tomorrow or are just walking/driving home or on their way to work. Best friends who share their secrets, and vent. best friends who leave me silly messages and never fail to let me know they love me. Best friends who reassure me everything is going to be okay. Best friends who write me snail mail. Best friends who legitimately care and want to know how i am. Best friends who see me at my worst and at my best. Best friends who put candy on my pillow when i go to napa to visit, who i confide everything in and share all my clothes. Best friends who stay up late having great conversations, and attend bingo together. Best friends who are in the same state and make an effort to meet up for dinner. been Best friends forever or just best friends for a few years- Best friends who LOVE me for ME no matter what.
and even a best friend who listens to my words morning and night and knows me and always knows my needs-this best friend has brought all my best friends into my life to make my life on earth bearable. I am blessed with some Amazing BEST friends!
and even a best friend who listens to my words morning and night and knows me and always knows my needs-this best friend has brought all my best friends into my life to make my life on earth bearable. I am blessed with some Amazing BEST friends!
Conference Waffles.
growing up we always(at least most of the time.) had delicious waffles on general conference sunday. so whenever we don't go up to conference we enjoy our delicious waffles. for those of you who don't know what general conference is, General Conference is a semiannual world conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints held in April and October, where members gather for five two-hour sessions to listen to instruction from Church leaders. AKA Church on tv, not getting out of PJ's, comfy couch, but most of all, hearing our Prophet and Apostles words.

random. lately.
since there is nothing exciting to post about us... lately we have been studying, working, and well i just made 10 mini loaves of pumpkin chocolate chip bread. what to do with so many... (i already brought my visiting teachers some. and i sure as heck cannot eat 8 more haha!) and we've been playing intramurals.. jason is on football and soccer and i am on a volleyball and soccer. between us both, we usually have a few a week! oh yes and i am very excited that i will be coming home for HAIR (and katies big birthday bash of course!) OCTOBER 14,15,16. get your appts now :) i know its 7 weeks, not six this time , i have been awfully busy learning to take care of people and that weekend happens to be my fall break! I am excited to do some rockin' 80's hair for katie's party.. and maybe ill come in my party dress....

compliments of Halloween '08

compliments of Halloween '08
Ernie's birthday!

Happy birthday to my big sissy Ernie! I wish i could be there to celebrate with you but some year we will be together on your birthday!!! I can't believe what you have accomplished in your short 25 years.. i mean you're a freakin' lawyer. I love sporting my UoChicago law shirt and i love being able to brag about our family. esp my lawyer sister..no big deal or anything.. well even if you weren't a lawyer (which you are) i would love you still the same and would brag about your beauty or your mad writing skills, or enormous love for your family. I wish i could see you more, but i know you are loving life in Chicago. I am so happy for you in your life and LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!
birthday fun!

My Jason took me up to Park City for my 22nd Birthday! We had so much fun. It was such a beautiful drive up there. seriously so many colors on the mountains! We listened to my new Disney greatest hits the whole way up there, singing along..(okay well maybe just me...) checked into our hotel, and off to get our shop on! Park city outlets are pretty close to being as great as Napa's outlets.. maybe better.. once we were shopped out we headed to the hotel and we got ready to go out for dinner.. once i finished my hair i walked out of the bathroom and there was the sweetest card and most beautiful earrings, he is oh so very thoughtful. We then went to dinner at Squatters and had so much fun. we left early and made it back for church on sunday. i got several of my favorite yearly voicemails from my family and bestie Heather. We had family and friends over for a delicious dinner and overall had such the best birthday. Thank you everyone who made it such a great 22nd!
park city.
Apple dumplings
Jason and I made these delicious apple dumplings together this evening. (not weight watcher approved..oops:)
It's official- I picked up my student badge for my clinicals at the hospital. 10 days until my first one :)
Weight Watchers.
Yes, thats right weight watchers. i love it. i just started my 6th week of it. i am down 10.5 lbs. My mom, dad and I all joined the 3 month online program. It is very motivating seeing the weight come off. I am not a fan of diets because i usually eat like a rabbit for a week, lose some weight then eat everything i couldn't eat the day i stop my diet. Well, on WW i am able to eat whatever i want, it just costs me my points. a doughnut, sure! it's 6 points though. so is it worth it? I started with 24 points a day and am now at 21 points a day. It is so fun. I love fitting into my clothes better. thanks mom and dad for the support, oh yeah and my dad has lost 12.6 pounds, and my mom has lost a bunch too! yay.

Yesterday while in attendance at the BYU v. UoW football game, where BYU of course WON; while we were sitting 4 rows back, holding freezing water in each hand trying to cool off from the million degree heat, eating nasty boiled peanuts (i thought i would try something healthier at a football game), sitting next to hundreds of squished in students, cheering loud, watching my husbands reactions to every play, making comments to my hubs on the cheerleaders massive makeup, wishing they had real diet coke in the stadium, all while watching COSMO, Byu's mascot. This is when it dawned on me, Zach should be in that suit. Cosmo was break dancing, jumping around, crowd surfing, doing backflips, being super crazy, all while NO ONE will ever know who he is. Zach would do all of this without the Cosmo costume, but he would be a fantastic Cosmo.. i think i will sign him up for tryouts when he returns. :) miss you E.Z.W.
Happy 24th Jason!
Happy birthday to my charming husband. Today you are 24. I hope I can make your day extra special. Happy first day of school to you as well. This is going to be a great year. I am excited for this new age/school year and to see what our future holds! I love you Jason!

this is jason after he opened some presents at home this weekend. he got reeses a new bag for school, money, some england stuff (thanks erin) and even a sweet bow for his head :)

this is jason after he opened some presents at home this weekend. he got reeses a new bag for school, money, some england stuff (thanks erin) and even a sweet bow for his head :)
game night!
Jason and I were looking for a fun game night activity and we pulled out this WII game we have had but never played, GAME PARTY! We played all the different arcade games, skill ball, basketball, darts, trivia, hockey, a couple of others and our new favorite 'ping cup.' so here is our new tv and a friendly game of ping cup.

we will be playing much more often :)

we will be playing much more often :)
new TV
our TV died the other day. we had no other choice ;) than to go buy a new one. we got a 40' plasma. there was much headache deciding between plasma or LCD. Opinions???
fun trip!
For our anniversary since we had a couple days off we decided to head to california to spend some time there! our favorite place to be (:
It started like this:

With the hottest chauffeur around!

and we got to play with them

and addie really wanted to get on the ride with brother

We haD fun at the fair too.

and so much fun at the benicia peddler's fair and then walked to this beautiful scene

We drove all day on our actual anniversary as we both had to be a work early monday morning. It was a quick but super fun trip. happy two years to my sweetest husband ever. He's my favorite. I have loved every moment together and can't wait for our future together.
It started like this:

With the hottest chauffeur around!

and we got to play with them

and addie really wanted to get on the ride with brother

We haD fun at the fair too.

and so much fun at the benicia peddler's fair and then walked to this beautiful scene

We drove all day on our actual anniversary as we both had to be a work early monday morning. It was a quick but super fun trip. happy two years to my sweetest husband ever. He's my favorite. I have loved every moment together and can't wait for our future together.
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