This past weekend we took a trip up to Rexburg, ID to meet Baby Eli Fisher and of course see how the parents are doing!! mom and dad fisher seem to be absolutely WONDerful. They are such great parents. It was so fun to see them with their sweet baby Eli. Even Jason was in love with this little boy!!! Eli is so cute!!!! i can't wait to see and hold him again :) I enjoyed every moment i got to hold him- even tried out the Moby wrap. (i def loved that!)

Craig took us out shooting on saturday morning. it was a fun experience, loud, im surprised eli slept through it all!!

We went to dinner later on saturday to watch the giants game... the only one of the series they lost..

Look at that cute face!!! Thanks so much Fisher family for letting us come and stay with you and HOG baby ELI!!!!!!!!!
what a blast--and how fun that the new parents let you stay with them!! And what a beautiful baby boy!! The shooting sounds fun!! It is so fun to have cousins!!
wait? Is craig a giants fan too? AH-MAZE-ING! go ELI! perfect year to be born
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