So apparently no one likes the Giants in Utah. Okay maybe some people do, like US and they have no GIANTS apparel ANYWHERE!!!! Online shopping you say... OF Course... MINUS the 3-5 day shipping, okay so get overnight, well apparently it still takes 3-5 days to process orders and then overnight shipping. Well this was not quick enough for us.. so we improvised.. I think they are pretty sweet. GO GIANTS!!!!! (and jason got a beard at the halloween store... he is going to wear his beard and giants apparel all around town..!!!!) GO GIGANTES!!!!!!
and no Ethan, we are not rooting for Texas just because Zachy is there, we are still rooting for the GIANTS and you better believe ZACH is TOO!
hahhaa please take a pic of Jason with his beard on!!! LOVE THIS
jason dont care about nuth
heck yeah we are rooting for GIANTS!
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