This month has been such a whirlwind! I can't believe the month and the year is over today! Christmas was definitely different this year my Hazel was still all I could think about! It never really felt quite like Christmas anyways here are some cute pics and still to come my 2011 recap!!
The Birth Story
DISCLAIMER: LONG and detailed and from the best of my memory
Thursday Dec 16th was my last doctors apt and my cervix was completely closed.. my sister arrived on saturday the 18th and we started doing all kinds of crazy things to get my labor started.. jalapenos, hula-hooping, crab walking, hiking, up and down the stairs, scrubbing the floor..i had pretty regular contractions that saturday night but nothing real- she then checked me on monday morning and i was dilated to a 2.5. she strippped my membranes on monday and that started some bad contractions that evening but again nothing regular. so at that point i was over trying to do anything i could- i mean nothing i had tried had worked besides i think people just tell others the very last thing they did before they went into labor and blame it on that! so It all REALLY started on wednesday night december 21st. My mom and I went to go hang out with my sister at her house. I was sitting on her living room floor doing some butterfly stretches when all of a suddden I felt like i wet my pants.. i had not wet my pants the entire pregnancy so i thought this was super weird.. so i ran to the bathroom and kinda was freaking out.. uhhhh britt, ash, someone come here... so they both ran in the bathroom and there was this green fluid all over my underwear... "what is it?!" both britt and ash started screaming and jumping and very excited and then told me it was my water with thin meconium in it. This was at 9:25 PM- we needed to go to the hospital right then. I called Jason (he was at my house with my dad) and told him my water broke and he needed to get my hospital bag and go with my dad and meet us at the hospital. On our drive down to Kaiser in Vallejo, ash called down and they were super busy(but they saved me a room)! we got there and i got all hooked up to the monitors and then they needed to start my IV.. but i was very swollen. It was AWFUL- 3 different people had to try and finally on the 4th try they got an IV in.
my battle wounds

They started antibiotics and let me chose whether i wanted to try to let contractions start on their own or start pitocin right away. we decided to try to let contractions start and maybe get some sleep but start pitocin in the morning. i slept on and off from 12-430 and no contractions were starting so we started pitocin at 5 am. i didn't feel any regular contractions until about 6 am. slowly they started to get more and more painful. i tried and tried to breath through them but by about 7 there was no way and i was in tears through everyone. i called the nurse and she told me to try to wait longer. so i called my dad- he came in and told me there is no point in waiting if i wanted an epidural. so he checked and i was still 2.5 cm dilated but called to get the anesthesiologist. they were on shift change but as soon as they could they would come give me and epidural. in the mean time the nurse gave me some IV fentanyl but right before i got up one last time to go to the bathroom- the fentanyl helped some but made me feel so loopy and out of it. Finally by about 8 am they started to get ready for my epidural- everyone had to leave the room but I had this wonderful nurse who held my hand and talked me through it all. The anesthesiologist was amazing. I did not feel a thing and it she got it in right away. I was expecting this immediate relief from the pain of contractions but then she said she hadn't given me the loading dose yet.... she then gave me the dose but told me it would take about 5 contractions for me to really feel relief. those were the longest 5 contractions ever. finally i was feeling great by about 8:30 and then they placed my catheter and checked me again and i was at a 4. everyone came back in and decided that my dad would head back to work and my sister would go to her apt she had. they left and i was able to fall asleep. Ashley arrived at the hospital at about 9:45 and saw that baby girl was having some decels. I was waking up at this point and she went to find a nurse to check me. the nurse came in and said "well (long pause) you are 100% effaced and about a 8, no a 9. yep a 9." that had happened a lot quicker than anyone had expected. ashley quickly called my dad and sister to get back asap. They hurried and got back to the hospital by about 10:45. by this time i was complete and just waiting. i started slowly pushing about 11:15 then about 11:30 i really started pushing- while i was pushing her heart rate kept dropping- everyone looked worried but whenever i would ask everyone would tell me nothing was wrong (until after when my dad admitted that he was a little nervous) i think about 11:45 my dad had to use the vacuum. he vacuumed her a couple of times and then she was born at 11:57! They had previously warned me that since there was meconium in my water they may have to take her right away if she didn't start crying so they could prevent her from swallowing meconium- well my little girl started squealing right away . They immediately placed her on my chest skin to skin. It was the most amazing experience to have my sweet baby Hazel right there with me on the outside they dried her off and put blankets over us all while she kept pooping so they continued to clean her up while Jason and I enjoyed and cried and cried.. That moment didn't seem to last long enough. I delivered the placenta and got a few stitches. I didn't tear in the front or back but to the side(?) i kept asking what degree of a tear but apparently it is no degree when you tear like that(? i'm still confused about it all haha) and then my umbilical cord was crazy weird. check out THIS post about it- SO crazy! the body is truly AMAZING. Then my sisters helped her latch for a little and then I just got to snuggle and kiss her they did her assessment all while she stayed right on my chest. An hour or two later Ashley was able to give her her first bath and did her footprints! They then gave her vitamin k hep b and aquamephyton eye drops and then she got passed around. Then I was moved to a post partum room about 3. We were discharged the next morning about 11 am. Hazel is now a week old and we are adjusting as well as we can. As much as my breasts have been so sore it is such a fun bonding time to be able to be breast feeding. We have our first pediatrician appointment next thursday and then head back home a few days after that. It is so much fun to see Jason with Hazel. He watches her like a hawk. he always wants to hold her and always wants to make sure he watches everyone who is holding her. It is so sweet.
Thursday Dec 16th was my last doctors apt and my cervix was completely closed.. my sister arrived on saturday the 18th and we started doing all kinds of crazy things to get my labor started.. jalapenos, hula-hooping, crab walking, hiking, up and down the stairs, scrubbing the floor..i had pretty regular contractions that saturday night but nothing real- she then checked me on monday morning and i was dilated to a 2.5. she strippped my membranes on monday and that started some bad contractions that evening but again nothing regular. so at that point i was over trying to do anything i could- i mean nothing i had tried had worked besides i think people just tell others the very last thing they did before they went into labor and blame it on that! so It all REALLY started on wednesday night december 21st. My mom and I went to go hang out with my sister at her house. I was sitting on her living room floor doing some butterfly stretches when all of a suddden I felt like i wet my pants.. i had not wet my pants the entire pregnancy so i thought this was super weird.. so i ran to the bathroom and kinda was freaking out.. uhhhh britt, ash, someone come here... so they both ran in the bathroom and there was this green fluid all over my underwear... "what is it?!" both britt and ash started screaming and jumping and very excited and then told me it was my water with thin meconium in it. This was at 9:25 PM- we needed to go to the hospital right then. I called Jason (he was at my house with my dad) and told him my water broke and he needed to get my hospital bag and go with my dad and meet us at the hospital. On our drive down to Kaiser in Vallejo, ash called down and they were super busy(but they saved me a room)! we got there and i got all hooked up to the monitors and then they needed to start my IV.. but i was very swollen. It was AWFUL- 3 different people had to try and finally on the 4th try they got an IV in.
my battle wounds
They started antibiotics and let me chose whether i wanted to try to let contractions start on their own or start pitocin right away. we decided to try to let contractions start and maybe get some sleep but start pitocin in the morning. i slept on and off from 12-430 and no contractions were starting so we started pitocin at 5 am. i didn't feel any regular contractions until about 6 am. slowly they started to get more and more painful. i tried and tried to breath through them but by about 7 there was no way and i was in tears through everyone. i called the nurse and she told me to try to wait longer. so i called my dad- he came in and told me there is no point in waiting if i wanted an epidural. so he checked and i was still 2.5 cm dilated but called to get the anesthesiologist. they were on shift change but as soon as they could they would come give me and epidural. in the mean time the nurse gave me some IV fentanyl but right before i got up one last time to go to the bathroom- the fentanyl helped some but made me feel so loopy and out of it. Finally by about 8 am they started to get ready for my epidural- everyone had to leave the room but I had this wonderful nurse who held my hand and talked me through it all. The anesthesiologist was amazing. I did not feel a thing and it she got it in right away. I was expecting this immediate relief from the pain of contractions but then she said she hadn't given me the loading dose yet.... she then gave me the dose but told me it would take about 5 contractions for me to really feel relief. those were the longest 5 contractions ever. finally i was feeling great by about 8:30 and then they placed my catheter and checked me again and i was at a 4. everyone came back in and decided that my dad would head back to work and my sister would go to her apt she had. they left and i was able to fall asleep. Ashley arrived at the hospital at about 9:45 and saw that baby girl was having some decels. I was waking up at this point and she went to find a nurse to check me. the nurse came in and said "well (long pause) you are 100% effaced and about a 8, no a 9. yep a 9." that had happened a lot quicker than anyone had expected. ashley quickly called my dad and sister to get back asap. They hurried and got back to the hospital by about 10:45. by this time i was complete and just waiting. i started slowly pushing about 11:15 then about 11:30 i really started pushing- while i was pushing her heart rate kept dropping- everyone looked worried but whenever i would ask everyone would tell me nothing was wrong (until after when my dad admitted that he was a little nervous) i think about 11:45 my dad had to use the vacuum. he vacuumed her a couple of times and then she was born at 11:57! They had previously warned me that since there was meconium in my water they may have to take her right away if she didn't start crying so they could prevent her from swallowing meconium- well my little girl started squealing right away . They immediately placed her on my chest skin to skin. It was the most amazing experience to have my sweet baby Hazel right there with me on the outside they dried her off and put blankets over us all while she kept pooping so they continued to clean her up while Jason and I enjoyed and cried and cried.. That moment didn't seem to last long enough. I delivered the placenta and got a few stitches. I didn't tear in the front or back but to the side(?) i kept asking what degree of a tear but apparently it is no degree when you tear like that(? i'm still confused about it all haha) and then my umbilical cord was crazy weird. check out THIS post about it- SO crazy! the body is truly AMAZING. Then my sisters helped her latch for a little and then I just got to snuggle and kiss her they did her assessment all while she stayed right on my chest. An hour or two later Ashley was able to give her her first bath and did her footprints! They then gave her vitamin k hep b and aquamephyton eye drops and then she got passed around. Then I was moved to a post partum room about 3. We were discharged the next morning about 11 am. Hazel is now a week old and we are adjusting as well as we can. As much as my breasts have been so sore it is such a fun bonding time to be able to be breast feeding. We have our first pediatrician appointment next thursday and then head back home a few days after that. It is so much fun to see Jason with Hazel. He watches her like a hawk. he always wants to hold her and always wants to make sure he watches everyone who is holding her. It is so sweet.
Hazel Cathleen Pickett
What an amazing experience becoming a mom! Birth story to come later but here is my pretty little princess born on her due date December 22,2011 at 11:57 am weighing 7lbs 5oz and 20 inches long. We are madly in love obsessed with her and tired but all so worth it
No baby yet.
It's true no baby yet otherwise you would see a million pictures of her but I do get to play with this cutie all week- here she is showing off all the different angry bird costumes- oh and then she took them all off piled them up an jumped on top of them so they would get 'angry' haha oh don't tell grandma!!
38 weeks
I will be 39 weeks tomorrow so i better post my 38 week picture! lets see- this week i flew on an airplane, made it back to california safely, live in and love my slippers, clothes are getting tighter by the minute, may have found a few more stretch marks, got to hear babys heartbeat, fit in lots of clients before she arrives, got to go to lunch with some great friends, made christmas treats, had bad heartburn, had over/under active bowels, eaten many many sandwiches, don't enjoy wearing ANY jewelry (it's irritating) still have an innie belly button that my niece call's 'hazel's belly button' ordered my stroller and carseat (finally, right!?) tomorrow is another big dr. apt. cant wait to see if there has been ANY progress?! oh and i had a few 'fun' comments this week: "i like your waddle" "auntie devyn, your belly keeps getting BIGGER" (thanks ethan- i realize i am not getting any SMaller!)
38.6 weeks! December 14th, 2011
single digits
seriously- single digit days until my due date 9 to be exact. I know you are all probably sick of these posts but ill try to make them more exciting and post more pictures. lets see this week my feet have been more swollen than ever, i have had more contractions than ever (actually hurting ones- but no regular ones yet!) been more exhausted than ever, clumsier than ever (i almost fell down the stairs yesterday) and i still have so much to do before my little sweetie gets here!! Today- i will do a few clients go to lunch with a friend and then maybe finish some christmas shopping! I better get all that done while i can- oh and i need to wrap and send off a couple packages! AND i got my assigned preceptorship for my last semester of nursing school. I have been assigned to Provo Canyon School day shifts -It is a school for troubled youth ages 12-17. I am actually really excited to be able to work with these teens and be a real nurse!!
Some last minute shopping
Well besides my last minute Christmas shopping.. I had to pick up a few more things to get my hospital bag packed- 12 days- but like anyone is counting right?? Oh and my doctors appointment yesterday went okay- my bp is a bit high but all labs are normal- and then they did a non-stress test, she is looking Great but they said that my placenta is looking 'old' so for a few reasons my doc said he didn't think I'll make it to my actual due date thanks doc! But now you're getting my hopes up- and when I'm a week late I'll be calling you ;)
Sweet Message
Last night my visiting teachers came to visit me before i left for the rest of the month. They are two of the sweetest girls and gave me a cute baby gift and a card with a quote that read, "Whosoever shall receive one of such children in my name, receiveth me; and whosoever receiveth me, receiveth him that sent me." Mark 9:36-37 "What a wonderful blessing we have to receive sons and daughters of God into our home." Neil L. Anderson 2011 general conference. This card made me beam with joy. I cannot wait to welcome a child of God into my home and call her my own. I am about to embark on an amazing journey of motherhood- who everyone tells me is more amazing than words can explain. Thank you visiting teachers for a sweet message of children last night. and since i just finished all my finals for the semester i am off to the airport to make it back to California to wait for the arrival of my sweet little Hazey. Wait- you will LOVE this article my boss told me about it and told me to be careful when I fly tonight
okay so here is a list of my current countdown:
Days until Ashley arrives: 3
Making it home to California to deliver: 4 days
Classes left in the semester: 3
Finals left in the semester: 4
days until Jason returns to CA: 11
Days until my actual due date: 17
Days until Christmas: 20
Days until i get to talk to Elder Wagner: 20!!
Hours left until my first final: 2. ugh.
did you know pregnancy drops your IQ 10-20 points.. here's to hoping i pass ;)
Besides all i can think about is keeping my little Hazey in there! Oh and check out my sidebar and make your guesses for when you think she will arrive and weight/height :)
Days until Ashley arrives: 3
Making it home to California to deliver: 4 days
Classes left in the semester: 3
Finals left in the semester: 4
days until Jason returns to CA: 11
Days until my actual due date: 17
Days until Christmas: 20
Days until i get to talk to Elder Wagner: 20!!
Hours left until my first final: 2. ugh.
did you know pregnancy drops your IQ 10-20 points.. here's to hoping i pass ;)
Besides all i can think about is keeping my little Hazey in there! Oh and check out my sidebar and make your guesses for when you think she will arrive and weight/height :)
Favorite Christmas song
In case any of you fellow readers have forgotten- This christmas is going to be a different one- a more exciting one- i can't wait! and everytime i hear this song, any version, i do tear up.. because all i want for christmas is you (hazel)
i absolutely love the Michael Buble version too..
The lyrics just make me smile.
i absolutely love the Michael Buble version too..
The lyrics just make me smile.
37 weeks
37 weeks, 21 days left. I can't tell you how many prayers i need right now. I know its not too common for first time mom's to go into labor super early- but it is SO critical that she stays in there until next friday when i make it back to CA and it has been a definite stress... so stay in there little Hazel!! here are a couple pictures.. yes Erin did request my 37 week picture to be in my FAVORITE feety pajamas. they are the best- i bought larges so my belly would fit in them!
Crib Bedding
Thanksgiving recap
Tuesday night i walked off the plane to THIS:
Saturday was the perfect day: My wonderful sisters and mom threw me a baby shower to remember (tea party themed!) The decorations, food, and company were all too perfect for words. Hazel is VERY loved.

Later saturday evening Hazel had the opportunity to attend her very first SHARKS hockey game!
and we finished up our trip and came back to Utah early monday morning. I am returning Dec.8th... to stay for a whole month to have my baby hazel. time sure does fly. Happy Thanksgiving month to all!

Later saturday evening Hazel had the opportunity to attend her very first SHARKS hockey game!
and we finished up our trip and came back to Utah early monday morning. I am returning Dec.8th... to stay for a whole month to have my baby hazel. time sure does fly. Happy Thanksgiving month to all!
36 weeks!

How far along? 36 weeks and 2 days
Weight gain/loss: Gain.
Maternity clothes? They are so comfy... but even those are starting to get pretty snug...
Stretch marks? still sleep good. and nap as often as i can! usually am only up once to pee..
Best moment this week? an AMAZING tea party baby shower!! thank you for such a PERFECT DAY! oh and Hazel attended her first Sharks hockey game.. and we got to hear her heartbeat..
Food cravings: onions.
Gender: little girl!
Labor signs? No signs of labor! some warm up contractions here and there... she has not dropped and im not dilated yet so that is a good sign. i am keeping her cooking until after dec 16!
Belly button in or out? In.
What I miss? laying/sleeping on my stomach.
What I am looking forward to? finals being over with next week, Ashley arriving in Utah and flying back with me next week!!
Weekly wisdom: I need to rest and relax more.... dr. orders no gym and take work very easy.. i need to make it back to CA!
Milestones: keeping her in there this far!!! It's amazing to me how much i have grown in the past eh, 5 or 6 weeks.. pictures are seriously getting harder to look at!
Today I am thankful for many things but mostly my husband. He is there for me through everything- his wife is crazy but he somehow stays sane and patient through it all. I love you Jason!! Here is last night on our plane ride home.. What a hottie ;)
one month.
Today is November 22, i am due december 22. How weird. It feels like forever away but i have a feeling it is going to creep up on me- well maybe it will feel like forever considering i am getting bigger and bigger by the day, it's getting harder to breath, everytime i put shoes on/bend over/put my compression socks on i seem to burp up, eh well my heartburn isn't getting better and the maternity clothes i have worn throughout my entire preg seem to be shrinking. Jason tells me that they did shrink in the dryer... he is so sweet. and the water seems to be retaining anywhere it can be....but i still love it. because i love my baby girl and i can't wait to meet her in 30 days, hopefully no earlier than 25 but no more than 37.... so anywhere from dec 16th-dec 27th...... id like her to arrive on dec 17th or 18th. if only it were that simple ;) obviously i will take her anyday she decides to come! I am thankful for my baby Hazel and the opportunity I have to be carrying her and to be her mom. I am thankful for a smooth pregnancy and for the best support system ever. (warning you now Dr. dad- i've gained ginormous amounts these past 4 weeks.. just a heads up..oh and it's just because hazel wanted lots of ice cream to grow healthy and strong.)
35 weeks
I debate this being my last picture... but i have a big shower on Saturday so i am sure there will be more pictures of my ever growing baby cooking self. I can't wait to go home on tuesday for thanksgiving! DR apt on wed and lots of great food and family on thursday. I have so much to be thankful for. I am going to start doing some Thankful posts!! Oh yea and we went and saw Breaking Dawn at midnight on thursday night/friday morning- it was EXHAUSTING but SO much fun!!!!
pine sol part 2
Have you ever read the back of a bottle of Pine Sol... did you know HOW many things you can use it for?? "General Cleaning, wood floors, and similar surfaces...... Toilet bowls, Laundry, General Disinfectant..." and then it proceeds to tell you how to use it in each one. It amazes me how multi-purpose it is, and i better try it on ALL of them before baby comes because i don't think ill LOVE it like i do.. well i hope i don't. I often get that question, "did you like it before you were pregnant?" or "do you think you will like it after?" I never needed it like i do now, so i am pretty sure i won't when i'm not. Last night at work i decided to clean some stuff so i could smell it, and every student that walked in the room asked where i was because they could smell the pine sol. oh how fun. except for when one student decided to tell me it reminds her of a porta-potty...nice.
oh and check out this blog post that a sweet student mentions me in: can you figure it out? haha
oh and check out this blog post that a sweet student mentions me in: can you figure it out? haha
A latest obsession
I am pretty sure I have made these 5 times in the past 7 days.. Jason and I are obsessed... Pizza rolls- thank you pinterest! One can of crescent rolls, pepperoni and string cheese all rolled into them, dipped in marinara or ranch. Yumm...
Minnie Mouse
34 weeks
*Note about baby milestones: thanks babycenter: If you've been nervous about preterm labor, you'll be happy to know that babies born between 34 and 37 weeks who have no other health problems generally do fine. They may need a short stay in the neonatal nursery and may have a few short-term health issues, but in the long run, they usually do as well as full-term babies. YAY. even though i have not been nervous about preterm labor it is comforting knowing that she WOULD do great. but keep cooking little one!!
yes i did darken my hair and yes it did go a bit darker than planned, but i am loving it still.
Christmas music
I know the never ending debatable topic. When is it okay to start listening to Christmas music?! For me personally, i will secretly listen to it at random times all throughout the year, because it ALWAYS puts me in a good mood- but regularly, after Halloween is when I start to listen to it. don't get me wrong, if there was Thanksgiving music, i would listen to that, but if i had to wait until the day after Thanksgiving, then what i could ONLY listen until Christmas day? that's only a MONTH- but whatever your opinion is on listening to Christmas music you don't need to post it all over facebook- we get it, you don't like it, but everytime someone is playing rap (for example) you don't cry about that do you- so why do people get SO bothered that a store is already playing Christmas music- I'm just saying let people have their holiday cheer and listen to their happy feel good christmas music. thats all. wait, is there Thanksgiving music??
33 weeks!
How far along? 33 weeks and 5 days
Weight gain/loss: Gain, enough already ;)
Sleep? this week has been very good nights- the past couple nights i haven't gotten up once to pee. slept from 11-7! am i not drinking enough?
Best moment this week: feeling my baby girl move- but that is every week!!
Cravings: still love my pine sol and love cleaning with it!
Belly button in or out? In.
What I am looking forward to: going home for thanksgiving 2 WEEKS from today! oh and getting her crib all set up!
Milestones:Jason is putting together her crib as we speak
some other things for me to remember: love my compression socks- really help with standing on my feet all day and NO swelling- otherwise swelling is beginning. My ring still fits at the beginning of the day- but then just gets uncomfortable so i bought a fakey- simple diamond band. i have definitely been cooking and cleaning a lot- trying to organize the house but it seems like nothing fits anywhere... ITCHING to get my sewing machine out and sew some stuff.. (i need help fixing the bobbin underneath if anyone is good with sewing machines..) want to make a wreath for my front door- need to wash Hazel's clothes, trying to study but little motivation. now i need to go make some pumpkin chocolate chip cookies!! oh and i need to finish my registry... im still having such a hard time with a carseat.. why oh why?! ha!
Date night
Tonight we went on a date and together we painted a Pink Minnie Mouse for baby Hazel. I hope she likes it :) I'll post a picture on Friday when we get to pick it up!!! Now off to dinner
i CANNOT decide what bedding i like- and it has been so hard to find any since we have a 'mini' crib for our room- bedding is much more sparse to come by. It is supposedly the same size as a pack n play and there are some sites specifically for mini crib bedding but expensive and still limited.. right now i LOVE this one- how would it look with a cherry crib?? Also for anyone who is interested check out this site and let me know if you have any favorites :)
32 weeks
Jason left this morning for NEBRASKA for his BIG interview!!!!!!! PRAYERS are greatly appreciated- his interview is tomorrow at 1 pm!!! I know he will do GREAT but GOOD LUCK HUBS!!!
so i didn't have anyone to take a good belly photo so here is a phone one:
Weight gain/loss: Gain, enough already ;)
Maternity clothes? They are so comfy!!
Stretch marks? Aren't they battle wounds from my baby girl!?
Sleep? good and bad nights.
Best moment this week? My sissy coming from Arizona to throw me a wonderful baby shower!
Movement: yes all the time, she just wants to come out and PLAY!
Food cravings: bad food. candy, french fries....
Gender: little girl!
Labor signs? No signs of labor- but i have a couple 'warm-up' contractions a day
Belly button in or out? In.
What I miss? laying/sleeping on my stomach and i miss easily picking up things or bending over..
What I am looking forward to? my trip to Napa TONIGHT! and my DR. apt in the morning!
Weekly wisdom: take naps when i can, and be nicer to my sweet husband who helps me ALL the time but especially during the nights when i get up to pee or just roll over and need to move my body pillow with me he always helps me so i don't pull the covers completely off and he lets me throw the covers on and off multiple times a night, even last night after a few hours with no covers he said i felt cold and covered me back up and snuggled with me and he doesn't even remember doing this all through the night :)
Milestones:ONLY 56 days to go?! seriously?? getting a crib!
Homemade hazelnut spread
I made a ton of homemade hazelnut spread (just like nutella!) favors for the shower! I love how they turned out and super delicious too!!
Breakfast & Bows
I was SO spoiled and my sis Brittani did such an amazingly PERFECT job getting everything ready for my baby shower!! I can't thank her enough for how much fun the shower and our weekend together was!! Look at these CUTE invites she had made:

and i LOVED the straws!!

We had catered Crepes for breakfast it was DELICIOUS (thanks MOMMY!!!!)

All of Hazel's Fan's bow making away!

So excited for all the LOVE

Some of the MANY bows made

Later that day we went to DI and found these amazing frames and made them into bow holders and put all the bows on

Thank you to family and friends that came and made my day SO perfect! we feel SO loved and so spoiled- we LOVE you all! Thanks Jamie and Grammy for all the help and the cutest plates and most DELICIOUS cupcakes!

and i LOVED the straws!!
We had catered Crepes for breakfast it was DELICIOUS (thanks MOMMY!!!!)
All of Hazel's Fan's bow making away!
So excited for all the LOVE
Some of the MANY bows made
Later that day we went to DI and found these amazing frames and made them into bow holders and put all the bows on
Thank you to family and friends that came and made my day SO perfect! we feel SO loved and so spoiled- we LOVE you all! Thanks Jamie and Grammy for all the help and the cutest plates and most DELICIOUS cupcakes!
How are you feeling?
this is my most asked pregnancy question, maybe for every pregnant lady out there too.. well, I really ENJOY when people touch my belly but the whole how are you feeling thing.. i never know quite how to answer. It's almost like.... do they REALLY know what they are asking? HA! In the beginning I was not ever sick, mostly tired, but some days were better than others, so it was an okay question then.. but now my days are SUCH rollercoasters.. i thought i was hormonal/emotional before pregnancy...So i guess it always depends WHEN the person asked.. but most of the time it is easier to just say fine or good or growing.. those are my typical answers. Well today- I did NOT quite answer like that... a couple of my students asked how i was.. and i broke down.. i told them all my problems and how stressed i felt and didn't start to cry but started to laugh a little. How Silly was i really being? I mean are these problems SO awful- wake UP devyn- you are carrying the most precious daughter of God- YOUR child- what could possibly be BETTER and how could i possibly be MORE blessed than this time in my life. of course i am not getting the highest grades in my classes, i should know that with my study habits i NEVER will (haha) who CAREs if my house isn't spotless and why do the little things really get to me, oh yeah because my hormones take over my life right now. My problems are really so small to what they could be, but it's my world so they seem SO much bigger at the time. I am thankful for my sweet husband who puts up with this, and my mom who listens when i need to talk (and my students :)) and friends who send me texts or FB posts to know that they care. Sometimes thats all I need, but all the time I need to remember my Heavenly Father who has given me such an amazing opportunity to grow nurture this little girl, he has blessed me with the opportunity to be a mom! It helps so much when we remember to count our blessings...
So How am I doing now? I am doing great, I am happy to be carrying my sweet daughter, and can't wait to meet her. Although i better be getting some sleep or i may be extra cranky tomorrow ;) - For all those who are still reading- thanks for listening.. writing feelings down always helps me out.
So How am I doing now? I am doing great, I am happy to be carrying my sweet daughter, and can't wait to meet her. Although i better be getting some sleep or i may be extra cranky tomorrow ;) - For all those who are still reading- thanks for listening.. writing feelings down always helps me out.
Loving your unborn child.
As part of our Hypnobirthing class we are taking, we have been asked to write letters to our unborn child. our most recent class was how to love your unborn child and so tonight for FHE (family home evening) we are writing letters! Jason has also been talking to her on a regular basis even more than he was before! It is so fun to have her squirm when he is talking to her. She may be a daddy's girl.... some other things we discussed on loving your unborn child was to take weekly belly photos of when they were in your tummy and compile it into a book with letters so when she is old enough she will love looking at it and knowing that that was when She was in mommy's tummy. So i am glad i have already been taking my pictures! Singing, and talking and just playing music are other things they suggested we do as well- this class has really helped us feel more connected to her and to each other. As well as ease SO many fears of child birth i had before this class. It's pretty awesome that one of my amazing nursing instructors teaches it as well! i have the day off... that is until 4 o'clock. so here is to getting my to do list DONE (wishful thinking!)
loving your unborn child
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