How far along? 36 weeks and 2 days
Weight gain/loss: Gain.
Maternity clothes? They are so comfy... but even those are starting to get pretty snug...
Stretch marks? still sleep good. and nap as often as i can! usually am only up once to pee..
Best moment this week? an AMAZING tea party baby shower!! thank you for such a PERFECT DAY! oh and Hazel attended her first Sharks hockey game.. and we got to hear her heartbeat..
Food cravings: onions.
Gender: little girl!
Labor signs? No signs of labor! some warm up contractions here and there... she has not dropped and im not dilated yet so that is a good sign. i am keeping her cooking until after dec 16!
Belly button in or out? In.
What I miss? laying/sleeping on my stomach.
What I am looking forward to? finals being over with next week, Ashley arriving in Utah and flying back with me next week!!
Weekly wisdom: I need to rest and relax more.... dr. orders no gym and take work very easy.. i need to make it back to CA!
Milestones: keeping her in there this far!!! It's amazing to me how much i have grown in the past eh, 5 or 6 weeks.. pictures are seriously getting harder to look at!
she is so pretty! and so is your belly!
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