How far along? 33 weeks and 5 days
Weight gain/loss: Gain, enough already ;)
Sleep? this week has been very good nights- the past couple nights i haven't gotten up once to pee. slept from 11-7! am i not drinking enough?
Best moment this week: feeling my baby girl move- but that is every week!!
Cravings: still love my pine sol and love cleaning with it!
Belly button in or out? In.
What I am looking forward to: going home for thanksgiving 2 WEEKS from today! oh and getting her crib all set up!
Milestones:Jason is putting together her crib as we speak
some other things for me to remember: love my compression socks- really help with standing on my feet all day and NO swelling- otherwise swelling is beginning. My ring still fits at the beginning of the day- but then just gets uncomfortable so i bought a fakey- simple diamond band. i have definitely been cooking and cleaning a lot- trying to organize the house but it seems like nothing fits anywhere... ITCHING to get my sewing machine out and sew some stuff.. (i need help fixing the bobbin underneath if anyone is good with sewing machines..) want to make a wreath for my front door- need to wash Hazel's clothes, trying to study but little motivation. now i need to go make some pumpkin chocolate chip cookies!! oh and i need to finish my registry... im still having such a hard time with a carseat.. why oh why?! ha!
you are soooooo beautiful!!!
Yep you are!!
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