We arrived to California just in time for hazels 6th birthday!! Dec 22! Grandma got hazel the coolest cake and we had an impromptu birthday day for her! Playing with cousins, lunch, cake, more cousin playing, going to the movies with everyone to see Ferdinand and then In N Out for dinner!! Hazel got to pick what she wanted to do and eat all day!
The next day dec 23 the Wagner gang all went into San Francisco and went to dinner at House of Nan King and then went to the PANIQ room! Girls totally beat the boys

This was my bribing attempt to get a cute picture of my children on Christmas Eve Sunday. Mitchell does not enjoy cooperating 😂😂😂

I found the above picture on my phone (along with several others!) this was Christmas dinner at Grandpa greats! Brittani and I were able to set up the tables with Grandma greats fanciest Christmas China. It was a fun dinner!

Mitchell and I enjoying silly selfies

Sharks game!!! They won in a shootout! Thanks popsie and Grammy for the tickets and watching the munchkins!!

These two loved the park time together
Below is cousin Tay Tay and Mitchy! They love each other and love playing ninjas and pj mask!

Ashley and hazel!
Ashley and hazel!
We enjoyed a fun 10 days in Napa and Benicia! Cheers to 2018!
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