O N E year
Clarky turned ONE years old on January 8th!!! I can’t even believe my third child is already one, and that he is ONLY one . It feels like he has been here forever and not long all at the same time. Poor baby has been sick for a couple weeks and today was his one year appointment. Since he has been sick, he lost some weight. Which is already a concern of the doctors. He is the smallest one year old I know, which is why he is 0% for weight! Weighing in at 16lbs. He is 29 inches tall at 18% and his head was 56%. We will continue our monthly weight checks, and hope he can pack on the lbs! He had taken one step and walks a ton holding hands or along things. He is a quick crawler and is always on the go. He enjoys toys, peek a boo, unrolling toilet paper, eating, Nursing, baths, Mom, and reading books! He is a binky baby for sure and has started trying to feed himself with spoons and tries to use anything as a brush for his hair! He has the cutest ears that poke out. He wears size 3 diapers, size 12 month clothes. We made it an entire year exclusively breast feeding! (Three babies, no formula!) and also today at his doctors appointment he has a bad ear infection! Poor buddy! He has 5 teeth, I believe, and we tried a drink of cows milk. It got spit right back out! My cute superman Clark is full of love and personality. 

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