Z WAG basketball star!
wii fun!
Break has been an absolute blast! i just figured out our awesome new toy!! a 'FLIP' video camera.. super mini, holds 60 minutes of video time, and has a USB plug that flips out of it to plug straight into the computer! so with the new Wii Fit, and my new video camera.. i figured out how to make this super cool video! check it out its hilarious!
1. we just found out some great news: My favorite nephew ETHAN will be home for christmas this year! YAYYyyy

2. My sweet HUSBAND.. today is our 4 month anniversary!!! I love you pumpkin!
3. This morning.. bright and early we were able to attend the temple! I LOVE TO SEE the temple and the special spirit it brings to my life.
4. I took one of my finals and did way awesome and can keep my B in the CLASS!!!
That's enough good to keep my whole week looking GREAT! only 2 finals LEFT.. back to studying!
new calling!
I AM so proud of myself because i have never held a church calling and now it's my turn!!!! i am the visiting teaching supervisior of one of the districts in my relief society.. i am going to do my ABSOLUTE best i can and make sure i magnify my calling! I knew my chance would come and I'm so excited! So make sure you do your visitng teaching this month ;)
Christmas Cookies!

FORGET THE DIET! HA! too much hassle... besides i got into the christmas mood again and decided to make christmas cookies for my visiting teachers, home teachers, and some friends!!! So a good friend of mine came over, and we went on a cookie cutter search to Macey's. all they had were $.49 cookie cutters, of wreaths, candles, bells, and that holly berry leaf thing.. so we got cookin' and frosting and it was sooo fun!!!!! we made probably 100 sugar cookies!!!!! PLENTY to give away.. and still PLENTY to eat!! I LOVE CHRISTMAS TIME!! DOn't worry even though the cookies don't look to hott.. they tasted delicious.. im sure the cooking will get better over time :)
Workout plan
So maybe i can get ontop of my game BEFORE the Holiday LBS hit!
UGLY christmas sweaters

Some of the salon girls and our sweaters :)
Christmas Spirit

Thanksgiving Trip

Labor Looks

Jason's sick and we got locked out!!!!!!!
Hair extension specialist!
I am getting trainned in permanent hair extensions (racoon extensions), as permanent as they come, they grow out as your hair grows out, i individually bond 100% human hair to your hair with protein resin that is safe and healthy for your hair, adding length and fullness, or fullness alone, and the colors are customized matched and mixed to perfectly blend in your own hair, depending on what you are looking for, whether it is just fullness (in the front, or all over) or length, is how long it takes to do as well as cost. A full head of extensions (used for length) usually takes 4-5 hours, some in the front or just adding fullness will take close to 2-3 hours. Prices vary depending on how much hair is needed and what color, it is the finest imported 100% human hair so it runs a bit more expensive, but i am offering 50% off of the service for my first 3 clients to get my name out there, i am planning on coming to Napa to do my extensions once a month. I am aware of a few stylist in Napa that do similar extensions to the ones that i do, but not at the quality or price i am offering. These are Racoon extenstions and you can read more about them on www.racooninternational.com and as far as prices go, they are expensive because they last so long and are such high quality!!! The longevitiy of their life depends on how well you take care of them, i sell shampoo and conditioner specially designed for them and include an extension brush in your service, i give detailed instructions on the best way to take care of them. Maitenence on them is required about every three months, and it is called a rotation, when the bonds are brought back up to the scalp, these are much cheaper and if you chose to reuse the hair or buy new hair is where the price depends, usually you can get away with using the old hair for a few rotations, so wether it is a full head rotation, half head and with new or old hair is the determining factor on the prices. I had them put in for my wedding and will never go back to short thin hair, i LOVE them, and they are helping me grow my own hair out through this akward stage.. If you are interested i would Love to work out some deals with you, Let me know, leave a comment with your email and i will get back to you! Racoon International : The Best Quality 100% Human Hair Extensions
Napa Valley Register article
Wagner-Pickett Wedding

Devyn Wagner, of Napa, and Jason Pickett, of Benicia, were married Aug. 15, 2008, at the Oakland LDS Temple. A reception followed the ceremony at the Wagners’ home, in Napa, where Devyn grew up.The bride’s sister-in-law, Katie Vitali Wagner, was the wedding planner. She turned the entire Wagner yard into an elegant, red, white and black affair, with thousands of tiny white lights and red paper lanterns. The DJ was family friend Tom Phillips.
Bridesmaids included Ashley Wagner Stabile, Brittani Wagner Hamilton, Erin Wagner, Katie Vitali Wagner, Jennifer Pickett Donahoe and Jamie Pickett. Carrigan Donahoe and Ryann Hamilton were the flower girls.The groom’s brother, Jared Pickett, was the best man. Groomsmen included Rhyan Donahoe, Cory Wagner, Zach Wagner, Rich Hamilton and Ron Stabile. Ethan Stabile was the ring bearer.
After the wedding, the couple honeymooned for five days in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. They now make their home in Provo, Utah.Devyn is the daughter of Mike and Cathy Wagner. She is the granddaughter of Roy and Mignon Wagner, of Napa, and of Dean and Dottie Cochran, of Beaumont. Devyn is a 2006 graduate of Vintage High and currently attends Brigham Young University. She has been involved in volleyball, leadership clubs, the 4-H Club, church groups and the Best Buddies Club. She works as a hairdresser at the Von Curtis Salon, in Provo, Utah.
Jason is the son of Steve and Patti Pickett, of Benicia. He is the grandson of Charles and Margalee Pickett, of Napa, and Gary and Jeri Turnbull of Bountiful, Utah. Jason is a 2005 graduate of Benicia High and currently a full-time pre-dental student at Brigham Young University. He was an Eagle Scout, served a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints from 2005 until 2007, in England, and played baseball and football for Benicia High. He works for Utah Valley Dental Lab.
Check out the real thing: http://www.napavalleyregister.com/articles/2008/09/28/real_napa/doc48df0bb2a08c1721609923.txt
happy birthday to me :)

<--the fancy cupcakes i made, and had soooo much fun making!)
Birthday cards from Mommy, ernin, zachy, Chelsey, my hubby, and ETHAN! ---->

One Month
Families are Forever
and i Love our cute sign "Always kiss me goodnight!" Here is another room, out dining room hmm and lets see, a book of mormon on the table, a water, cards, a candle, and Jason's backpack on the chair... pretty clean ;) wish it was that clean now, (we have books and notebooks and thank you cards EVERYWHERE!!) I tried to set a goal for us to write 10 wedding thank you notes a day.. it does pretty well the first few days of the week.. we are getting there though..bear with us!

wedding pictures

Jason's 22nd Birthday
Puerto Vallarta

the big day!
1 week......
2 weeks

twenty-six days

Tonight is my first shower that my sisters are putting on for me (Ashley, Katie, and Erin) i wish Brittani could be here, but she will be on WEDNESDAY! So it is a Lingirie Shower and Ashley made the absolutely cutest invites ever! (see picture above) and if you can't read them, they say "Something borrowed, something blue, forget that!!! Jason likes see-through!!!!!" So cute! I am so excited for some cute..things... ;)

Anyways, time is getting so close to the big day and I can not wait! Everything is falling into place just perfectly!
5 weeks

40 Days

Family visiting!
The Proposal