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One Month

So I really should be studying but i HAD to update our blog because yesterday was our ONE MONTH of being married anniversary! WOW i can't believe it has already been one month, so quick, pretty soon it will be a year.. haha.. So for our one month anniversary, and our FHE activity, we decided to go to my friends house who has a ton of overstock of designer jeans in her garage that she sells for $50!!!! THATS it! i know, so we had a little too much fun... and little did i know that my hubby loooves shopping ALMOST as much as i do! He was able to find THREE pairs of TRUE RELIGIONS, that he could not live without! what a cute spoiled boy! At least I am converting him to the dark side of designer clothing! Soon enough he'll be an orthodontist (okay give him hmm 7 or 8 years!) and Lucky for me he bought me an early birthday present and i got the cutest pair of true religions, and my FIRST pair of skinny jeans.. (im still a bit nervous, im going to try to pull them off!) they are cute rock and republics! so absolutely no more shopping for the newlyweds for a looong time! Oh yes and any suggestions on making a budget!? hahaha we need to figure this one out quick before we run out of savings!!! Let me know we need to try anything we can...

1 comment:

April Kennedy said...

Hunny trust ME...there is no budget constraints when it comes to designer jeans. Not only have I turned my sweet Hubs into a lover of designer jeans, but I have also turned Kaia! She has 1 pair True Religions, 1 pair Rock and Republic and 2 pair of A pockets! Eat your heart our Jason!

And rock those skinny jeans like it is nobody's business. You will look's all about attitude and confidence while wearing them. I have saddle bags...therefore I don't rock skinny jeans!