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Weight Watchers.

Yes, thats right weight watchers. i love it. i just started my 6th week of it. i am down 10.5 lbs. My mom, dad and I all joined the 3 month online program. It is very motivating seeing the weight come off. I am not a fan of diets because i usually eat like a rabbit for a week, lose some weight then eat everything i couldn't eat the day i stop my diet. Well, on WW i am able to eat whatever i want, it just costs me my points. a doughnut, sure! it's 6 points though. so is it worth it? I started with 24 points a day and am now at 21 points a day. It is so fun. I love fitting into my clothes better. thanks mom and dad for the support, oh yeah and my dad has lost 12.6 pounds, and my mom has lost a bunch too! yay.


Cathy said...

Devyn--you are awesome!! What a great post!! This is fun huh??

Erin and Zach said...


Brittani said...

congrats! I am so excited and proud of you. you are amazing!

Chelsea said...

Thats great! I love it when I can actually see the results. Keep it up!!

Ms. Green Eyes said...

That is fabulous! Way to go.