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the real reason

The real reason i had to quit my job at the hospital:
1. SMELLS (yuck)
2. waking up before anyone ever should and not feeling well at that
3. working 12 hours is tiring
4. 2 Jobs + nursing school + clinicals + growing a little munchkin = deathly EXHAUSTION
I was having breakdowns nightly after work from pure exhaustion, it was so brutal i debated calling in sick every single day, and i would cry countless times at work especially when it involved a lot of gross stuff... so...
I am enjoying my weekends off to spend with my husband and being able to go to church. I am loving more sleep! The more the better! Who ever thought growing a baby would take all every ounce of my energy sleeping 10+ hours at night + naps in the day. I am not very good at slowing my life down, but i've definitely needed it. I do hope that my energy level picks up though...and now i know i was not meant to work as a CNA (at least for now..)


Mama Blogger said...

It is so totally exhausting. I can't imagine trying to keep up with all that. Get some rest!

sdralphs said...

So glad you quit, you need all the rest you can get!!! It's hard work caring a little baby! So keep resting and enjoying your summer!

Hillary said...

Sounds like a good plan. Enjoy this exciting time and not just trying to survive it. Still so excited for you!

Kendra said...

Awesome!! I'm so happy for you. It is exhausting growing a little one!