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Thankful Day 1

So every year I see fellow bloggers do a blog post about what they are Thankful for during the month of November. There aren't enough days for all the things I am thankful for but I am excited to start my month of THANKS!

november 1st
Day 1:
Today I am especially thankful for my opportunity to go to school. Yes school is long and hard work but it has great rewards and will provide a nice future for my family (hubs school and my school). Oh and I got this letter today:

If you didn't figure that out.. I have been accepted into BYU-Idaho's online RN to BSN program to start this January. I will graduate next december with my bachelors in Nursing. oh and 'Conditionally accepted" meaning if i pass the drug screening and submit my acceptance form :) Being a bachelors nurse versus an associate nurse makes a more desirable nurse. and lets me consider getting my master's in nursing.. or maybe my NP? only time will tell...


JacquieandBen said...

oh my goodness, i got so excited that you're cute family would be at BYUI! But then i saw "online". Psh, of course. Lame!

:) congrats though! :)

Rocio Lewis said...

Congratulations Devyn! You are very smart and talented! You can do anything!!

Anonymous said...

Oh little one!! You sure continue to make us proud!! We love you and your family and are excited again for what the future holds!! You are making such great decisions!! XOXO