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sick baby

how awful to be a mom with a sick baby. Why didn't anyone ever warn me that I would be this constantly worried about my tiny human love bug!? oh wait they all probably did, just like everyone warns you about everything and adds their two cents but you can't understand until it's happening to you  About two weeks ago she was super fussy.. like WOULD not sleep not just wake up every couple hours like would scream bloody murder, but then was happy as can be in the day time. she had no fever no pulling at her ears.. anyways finally after a couple days we took her in, and I felt so embarrassed because i thought nothing would be wrong, it was probably just teeth... anyways she had an ear infection, then i felt awful because i should have known... so here we are 10 days later after all her antibiotics and we have a screaming baby again... she was happy happy girl for a good week in there.. she has had a fever on and off for the past three days, the highest it ever was was 101.5, well it's gone today and this time i am really thinking it is teeth.. i think all 4 top ones are coming in at the same time i don't blame her for screaming! if we do have another bad night i will take her in, i just don't want to be the paranoid mom who takes her kid in at a little cough or drip of the nose! so i couldn't do my #DKC yesterday, unless i can count all the things i did for Jason (make his lunch, cook him dinner, clean up...) but today, i was leaving target parking lot and there was a guy with a sign. You know, the ones you see on every corner these day and you are hesitant because they may be faking it but you want to believe the best in people, well he was talking to himself, so i really believed him, and i handed him all the cash i had which was only $2. but it still made me happy- and he said 'thank you sweet angel.' go out and do something! Merry Christmas!


Anonymous said...

Oh Devyn you are such a sweet lady, such a good mommy. You have one beautiful baby there!! We are getting so anxious to see her and play with her!! Oh and you and Jason also!! XOXO

Erin and Zach said...

She is so cute! Even if she is a poor sicky baby. Teething has got to be the worst...